
S/he said: Beastiality, Mormons and sporno

Compiled by Howard Israel

"What's going to happen next? Men and sheep? Women and dogs?"
– Bob Giuda, New Hampshire Republican congressional candidate, responding to a question about same-sex marriage,, June 29.

"I have to say, this is a savvy strategic move for the web giant, which competes with a sea of other benefit-heavy Silicone Valley companies for its talent. When Google makes a statement like this, other companies are likely to follow. Nice work, Google. Your gayglers – as the company's queer staff are known – are lucky to have you."
– Ryan Brown, in a column titled "Google ups benefits for gays," about Google's announcement that its gay and lesbian employees will be given a higher rate of pay to compensate for the tax disparity they face when claiming health insurance benefits for their same-sex domestic partners,, July 1.

"It definitely makes the victory a lot sweeter knowing that not only did we win the case, but for other gays and lesbians across Tennessee, those judges aren't going to be able to say, 'You're not good parents because you're gay,' or 'You can't have your kids because you're gay,' or 'You can't stay together.' It is gratifying to think that other judges will be held in check because of the decision from the appellate court on our case. Hopefully (other couples) won't have to go through as much as we did."
– Angel Chandler, in an article titled "Landmark legal victory for gay Black Mountain couple," after more than a three-year court battle, Chandler and her partner can finally have her children legally stay in her home,, Ashville, Tenn., July 6.

"In the grand scheme of things, the Catholics and Muslims have more queer blood on their hands than the Mormons, though granted the popes and mullahs did have a head start. But when it comes to sheer, organized, anti-gay lockstep campaigning, '8: The Mormon Proposition' makes it pretty clear that the LDS is leading the way. And doing so with a big, caffeine-free smile."
– Simon Sheppard, in his column titled "The Church of Latter-Day Bullshit," about the new documentary "8: The Mormon Proposition,", June 28.

"The film deserves note for its frank and lighthearted depiction of lesbian sex. In one memorable scene, the women get it on in their suburban bedroom while watching their favorite gay porn. Under the covers, Bening's character uses a vibrator on her increasingly frustrated wife. Things are going well until a mishap with the television's volume blasts gay porn grunting throughout the entire household. It's refreshing to see lesbian sexuality portrayed with a respect and humor rarely exhibited in mainstream movies."
– Andrew Belonsky, in a review of "The Kids are All Right,", July 11.

"Masculine coquettish-ness no longer offers an intense enough image. Or provokes enough lust. However, the homoprovocative nature of sporno is much less easy to overlook than it was in metrosexuality, which could pretend when it wanted to that it was 'straight' and something entirely for the ladies. Where metrosexual imagery stole slyly from soft gay porn, sporno blatantly references hard gay porn."
– Mark Simpson, in a column titled "Sporno," about the intersection of sports, advertising and sex,, April 17.

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