
Michigan Clergy Prepare For LGBT Weddings In Upcoming Workshop


LANSING – In preparation for the U.S. Supreme Court decision this June on same-sex marriage, clergy in Michigan will gather in East Lansing April 27, the day before the case is heard by SCOTUS, in a discussion that will build clergy and faith-based wedding officiant skills in support of an possible affirmative decision from the courts.
"Marriage Equality: Is Your Congregation Ready? A Workshop for Clergy and Planners" will address critical topics to support clergy, officiants and wedding service people from all faith traditions who plan to celebrate marriage equality when it becomes legal in the state.
Jim Toy, MSW and an Episcopalian, will present his topic, "LGBTQ101 for Clergy: What we need to know about gender identity, gender expression and sexual orientation"; Jay Kaplan of the ACLU LGBT Project will speak towards legal issues and legal updates on the case; Rev. Beth Rakestraw of Divine Peace Metropolitan Community Church will discuss marriage counseling and the special issues for working with LGBT couples; and Rev. Dr. Bill Lyons from the United Church of Christ will speak on considerations for marriage ceremonies and wedding policies.
An affirming decision from the high court justices will provide same-sex couples from across the country the legal backing to get married. Marriage equality will require very few changes to the actual wedding vows, but will call for special clergy considerations. For example, there are couples in the LGBT community that have been effectively married for decades; how should clergy support their needs?
Some of these needs include questions of gender identity, gender expression and sexual orientation, and how these factors can make the difference between a welcoming and a disappointing celebration. Other considerations include questions surrounding special challenges that must be considered when doing pre-marriage counseling and how clergy should address family who refuse to accept these vows.
Following an affirmative ruling, congregations will need to update their marriage policies and procedures to support these marriages. Churches that have not officially come out in support of the LGBT community will have a different set of challenges than those who already have, particularly when the congregation and clergy are not in agreement.
The workshop will be held at the Edgewood United Church, UCC at 469 N. Hagadorn Road in East Lansing, beginning at 10 a.m. and running until 2:30 p.m. Registration is $10 and includes lunch. For those interested in attending, visit; registration ends April 21.
Sponsors for the event include the Michigan UCC Open & Affirming Coalition, Inclusive Justice "Together in Faith" Michigan, Michigan for Marriage, Michigan Conference United Church of Christ, Michigan Unitarian Universalist Clergy Caucus and Oasis TBLG Outreach Ministry Michigan.
