
Three out of 11 Michigan Cities Score 100 on HRC MEI

The Human Rights Campaign Foundation, the educational arm of the nation's LGBTQ civil rights organization, in partnership with the Equality Federation Institute, released its sixth annual Municipal Equality Index, the only nationwide rating system of LGBTQ inclusion in municipal law, policy and services.
The 2017 MEI reveals new heights in municipal LGBTQ equality in nearly every regard. A record 68 cities earned perfect scores for advancing LGBTQ-inclusive policies and practices – up from 60 in 2016, 47 in 2015 and 11 in 2012, the first year of the MEI. And in the current political reality, welcoming cities are more important than ever.
"This year's MEI paints a vivid picture: cities big and small, in red and blue states alike, are continuing our progress toward full equality, regardless of the political drama unfolding in Washington, D.C., and in state legislatures across the country," said HRC President Chad Griffin. "Today, the MEI serves as a vital tool for business leaders and municipal officials alike when it comes to economic development. CEOs know that in order to attract and retain the best employees, they must grow their companies in places that protect LGBTQ citizens from discrimination and actively open their doors to all communities. The MEI is the best tool to help these businesses make crucial evaluations about the welcoming – or unwelcoming – nature of towns and cities across the nation."
Since the MEI's debut in 2012, the number of cities earning perfect scores has increased by more than sixfold, and today at least 24 million people live in cities that have more comprehensive, transgender-inclusive non-discrimination laws than their state.
Progress on transgender equality has been particularly noteworthy in cities across America this year, continuing a positive trend that the MEI has tracked – and encouraged – since 2012. Transgender-inclusive healthcare benefits are offered to employees of 111 municipalities this year – up from 86 in 2016, 66 in 2015 and just five in 2012.
The MEI's Issue Brief on Transgender-Inclusive Health Benefits is available here.
"Our movement is stronger and more united than ever, and we stand in resistance to the unprecedented attacks on all our communities," said Rebecca Isaacs, Executive Director of the Equality Federation Institute. "This report is a proven, powerful tool for local advocates to leverage in their efforts to win full equality at the local level, and serves as a reminder that we aren't going back, despite a most hostile federal administration and organized opposition."
The MEI rated 506 cities including the 50 state capitals, the 200 largest cities in the U.S., the five largest cities or municipalities in each state, the cities home to the state's two largest public universities, municipalities that have high proportions of same-sex couples and 98 cities selected by HRC and Equality Federation state group members and supporters.
It assesses each city on 44 criteria covering citywide nondiscrimination protections, policies for municipal employees, city services, law enforcement, and city leadership's relationship with the LGBTQ community. Starting in 2018, the MEI will introduce new criteria including protecting youth from "conversion therapy" and will deduct points for religious exemptions that allow discrimination by singling out LGBTQ people.

Michigan Results

Ann Arbor, Detroit and East Lansing scored a 100. Ferndale scored a 94, with points deducted in the areas of Municipality as Employer and Municipal Services. This is the section where a majority of Michigan cities are lacking in addition to the area of Law Enforcement. Traverse City scored an 86. Grand Rapids scored a 76. Kalamazoo and Lansing both scored a 65. Pleasant Ridge scored a 56. Sterling Heights scored a 28 and Warren scored a 14.
Municipality as Employer means the city offers equivalent benefits and protections to LGBTQ employees, and by awarding contracts to fair-minded businesses, municipalities commit themselves to treating LGBTQ employees equally. The Municipal Services section assesses the efforts of the city to ensure LGBTQ constituents are included
in city services and programs. Fair enforcement of the law includes responsible reporting of hate crimes and engaging with the LGBTQ community in a thoughtful and respectful way.

Other Key Findings

86 cities from states without comprehensive non-discrimination laws protecting LGBTQ people scored above the overall nationwide average of 57 points. These cities averaged 84-point scores; 28 scored a perfect 100.
Cities continue to excel even in the absence of inclusive state laws: 41 "All Star" cities in states lacking comprehensive non-discrimination laws scored above 85 points, up from 37 last year, 31 in 2016, 15 in 2014, eight in 2013, and just two in 2012.
The national city score average increased from 55 to 57 points. 68 cities scored 100 points; 25 percent scored over 79 points; 50 percent scored over 59 points; 25 percent scored less than 35; and 11 cities scored zero points.
