
Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation has deemed ABC's new cross-dressing comedy 'Work It' offensive to the transgender community. What do you think?

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I don't like it.
-David E Ferrell

Personally I think it's going to be funny. If everyone takes time to remember their was another show very similar called Bosom Buddies. Don't read too much into a bunch of nothing!
-Delmas Mayle

It looks like that old Tom Hanks show Bosom Buddies?
-Ellen Cohen

I've been circulating a letter I wrote to them, that I've posted on my blog. I don't think the show will make it past the second episode, but the damage it could do seems pretty bad. You can read the letter here:
-Sara Jakubowski

It would be nice if we could evolve beyond laughing at people who are different from us. Yes, there was "Some Like It Hot" and "Bosom Buddies", but have we not grown at all since then?
-Stephanie White

I think the most offensive thing about this show is that it's creators thought anyone would think this garbage is funny. I give it a month before it gets canceled. How did this crap make it onto the air in the first place… seriously who thought THIS was a good idea?

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