
Opinions on Motor City Pride's move to Detroit

Who has to ask for your permission? How arrogant of you! There is no confusion. Pride is coming to Detroit proper! That's a good thing! They can plan Pride wherever they want. Pride in Ferndale is too big to remain there! You decided to separate yourselves and do your own thing, now you want to bitch and moan when they want to bring Motor City Pride to the actual Motor City. Why don't LGBT people of color get involved with Motor City Pride and help be part of the solutions to make things better and more inclusive? Instead, you're complaining about being excluded while planning something that in and of itself is not inclusive. I myself want to be part of the solution of making Pride more inclusive to all communities of color. To that end I am willing to put forth my time, effort, and energy in helping to plan this event. I think it is wrong to question the motives of Pride organizers with no clear-cut reason to do so. It's not as if they are moving Pride to Palmer Park! Your response is more divisive than it is helpful. Maybe next time you can try to reach out to help organize with Motor City Pride instead of being prideful and assuming that someone needs to bow at your feet and seek permission to move their event to Detroit! Put your money where your mouth is and get to work!

Ellyn N. Gray

Topics: Opinions