
Oscar gets outed in 'The Office'

Chris Azzopardi

Who's gay and who isn't?
That was the question goofball boss Michael on NBC's sitcom "The Office" wondered when he realized that one of his employees is, yes, "an actual homosexual." After Michael called Oscar "faggy" (a term he's been using since junior high), the human relations person confronted Michael and helped him come to the realization that Oscar likes men.
"There could be others. I need to know. I don't want to offend anybody else," Michael told Dwight, who's told to investigate such an unrealistic revelation.
"Find out if there's a way to tell just by looking at them," Michael said. Dwight suggested purchasing gay-dar (because apparently Brookstone carries it in the form of a homo/hetero detector).
Other employees at Dunder Mifflin had their own way of dealing with the news, which Michael broke to the entire office. Creed remembered a time in the '60s when he had sex with a lot of women in desolate locations, and it's possible a man slipped in. Angela compulsively used hand sanitizer, while Meredith ate it.
The comical climax came when Michael decided to prove that being gay is OK to his fellow workers. Not only did he embrace Oscar, but also he smooched him. Well, apparently, Oscar might not be the only gay at the office. Phyllis noted that people in high school thought Michael was gay.
Michael laughed it off and declared he's hetero, but Dwight still thought otherwise.
"Michael appears to be gay, too. And yet he is my friend. I guess I do have a gay friend," Dwight said.
Fortunately, Oscar kept his job, after accepting a bribe (a three-month paid vacation and a company car) not to sue.
"Sometimes it pays to be gay," he said.

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