Rudy M. Howard, Running for Michigan State House of Representatives, District 96
2024 Election Pride Source Candidate Survey Response

The 2024 Pride Source Media Voters Guide Candidate Survey sought the responses from Michigan candidates running for office in the Nov. 5 election. We asked candidates to respond to key issues impacting the Michigan LGBTQ+ community and about their visions for the future. Visit to learn more about the candidates and issues on your ballot.
Candidate: Rudy M. Howard, Jr.
Running for Michigan State House of Representatives, District 96
Incumbent? No
Campaign Contact Info
(989) 545-1235
Instagram: rudyformichigan
Facebook: electrudyhoward
Candidate background
U of Michigan - Flint, Education, Masters; Northern Kentucky University, Public Administration, Masters; Lander University (SC), Political Science, B.S.
Professional experience:
20+ years of managerial experience in heavy manufacturing (Auto) and high-volume distribution. I went back to school to become a teacher at U of M Flint and completed my student teaching in December 2023.
What is your affiliation with the LGBTQ+ community?
Vocal ally, good friend, and loyal family member.
Tell us about your top priorities and how you plan to achieve those goals.
By bring people together and building coalitions of the willing I will work to pass legislation that: (1) Provides proper/adequate funding for public education, including for safety; (2) Review/update the core curriculum to include numeracy and ELA skills in all classes and push for an honest history class that ensures that all Michigan students learn about things like the role our state has played in the labor movement; (3) Protect/secure the right to collective bargaining and strike for all workers including public employees; (4) Ensure a safe workplace for all working people by strengthening MIOSHA & increasing the number of inspectors; (5) Use the lessons I have learned from manufacturing to make government more efficient starting with a review/overhaul of the unemployment system; (6) Build/repair our infrastructure (including high speed internet); (7) Continue efforts to make Michigan energy independent and carbon neutral in a way that creates jobs not eliminates them; (8) uphold the rights of all Michiganders.
Why are you the best candidate for this position?
I have a compassionate ear, an open mind, a lifetime of work experience and the education required to draft laws, not just vote on them.
How do you plan to represent and advocate for the needs of LGBTQ+ community members?
As a state representative I can advocate for the LGBTQ+ community by pushing for inclusive legislation, protecting against discrimination, and ensuring access to healthcare and housing. Collaboration with community organizations, active participation in LGBTQ+ events, and voicing support for union initiatives are essential strategies. I feel that supporting unions helps champion rights for all workers, such as fair wages, safe conditions, and access to the ballot.
State your position on transgender rights and how your office would work to protect this vulnerable population — particularly Black trans women, who are overrepresented in stats related to violence, the judicial system, homelessness, substance abuse and other serious issues.
Fighting for everyone's constitutional rights must include transgender people to ensure equality and justice for all. Excluding transgender individuals perpetuates discrimination and undermines the principles of freedom and equality enshrined in the Constitution. Ensuring their rights means protecting their access to healthcare, employment, and safe living conditions, thus upholding the dignity and rights of every citizen. Out of many, one! - E pluribus unum. Those that demonize, marginalize and attack those that are different from them hurt us all. When one citizen is denied their right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happens it MUST be seen as an attack on all.
Homelessness among LGBTQ+ youth and young adults is a persistent issue in Michigan. How would your office make a positive impact for young LGBTQ+ people facing housing insecurity?
We must all work to address homelessness by increasing affordable housing, providing supportive services, and ensuring non-discriminatory policies. Specific support for LGBTQ+ individuals should include creating safe shelters, offering targeted mental health and job training programs, and addressing unique challenges like discrimination and family rejection. Collaboration with LGBTQ+ organizations and leveraging state and federal funds can help us create comprehensive, inclusive solutions to reduce homelessness.
State your position on abortion and other issues related to women’s reproductive health.
Abortion and all healthcare must be between a woman and her doctor, not the state, not the for-profit insurance companies, and not politicians. I am pro-choice, pro-science, pro-constitution, and pro-human rights. Healthcare should not be a commodity that I barter for to keep me alive. It must become a right all Americans have access to.
How do you feel about drag queens?
My favorite is Bianca Del Rio, season six was the best. But in all seriousness, Drag is a time-honored art form. The fact is that the art of performing gender theatrically, "drag", has deep historical roots, dating back to ancient Greek and Shakespearean theater, where men played female roles. In the 20th century, drag evolved into a form of entertainment and self-expression. For example the 1943 film "This is the Army," featuring Ronald Reagan, included drag performances by soldiers, reflecting drag's presence even in mainstream wartime entertainment. It was self-identified queen Marsha P. Johnson who led the charge at Stonewall. Today, drag is celebrated globally for its vibrant culture and artistic impact. However, people are again working to demonize “others'' for political gain and to push an authoritarian agenda. The very thing Reagon and the queens fought against in the ‘40s is back and must be stopped. We must work together and in one voice say, “Not Today Satan.”
On Marriage Equality: After the overturning of Roe v Wade, many question if the U.S. Supreme Court will revisit their 2015 Obergefell v. Hodges decision. Would you support any legislation that undermines the rights of same-sex couples to marry? (Yes or No — feel free to elaborate)
NO! I will fight all efforts to take rights away from people, to demonize people, to use people as a tool to gain authoritarian power over a free people. The 14th Amendment requires all states to license marriage between same-sex couples, that is and must stay the LAW.
On K-12 School Curriculum: States such as Florida have passed legislation preventing teachers, counselors and coaches from discussing sexual orientation and gender identity with their students, dubbed "Don't Say Gay" bills. Other states have passed legislation requiring LGBTQ+ inclusion in K-12 curricula, often determined by the local school district to determine how to effectively integrate learning materials throughout.
Michigan currently has neither a ban nor a requirement. Would you support legislation requiring Michigan schools to teach about LGBTQ+ people and identities in history and social sciences? (Yes or No — feel free to elaborate)
Yes! As someone that is qualified to teach history and has taught it in the classroom, I can tell you that History must be truthful and about facts, not dogma & politics. The facts are clear: ancient history included LGBTQ+ people. Various cultures recognized and accepted diverse sexual orientations and gender identities. In ancient Greece, same-sex relationships were common and often celebrated. Indigenous cultures worldwide, such as Two-Spirit people in Native American societies, held special roles. Ancient Rome also acknowledged same-sex relationships, and many societies had deities representing gender fluidity. These historical acknowledgments highlight the longstanding presence and acceptance and role of LGBTQ+ individuals across civilizations in history. Individuals can and will be allowed to interpret facts how they wish, but facts are facts and cannot be hidden to perpetuate myth. Facts have no agenda!
How would your office help people struggling financially?
My office would work to help those struggling financially by advocating for policies that support job creation, increasing access to affordable healthcare, and expanding social services. We would work to assist with unemployment benefits, connect constituents to financial aid programs, and support initiatives for affordable housing and education. My office would work to partner with local organizations to provide resources, financial literacy programs, and emergency assistance that can directly aid individuals facing financial hardship.
Anything else you’d like to share with our readers?
Flipping the 96th district can help ensure that we maintain a majority in the Michigan State House. This election cycle is crucial for maintaining our democracy. Will we elect leaders that can find data driven solutions to problems and uphold democratic principles or will we elect those that deliberately pervert the truth and deny facts to gain authoritarian power. Your active participation is essential to ensure fair representation and accountability. Voting, volunteering, giving money and staying informed are all vital ways that you can stand up and be counted. Democracy is not a spectator sport! What will you do for your democracy?
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