
Together We Can Make Historic Change

I was honored to recently join Affirmations, OutFront Kalamazoo, Equality Michigan and several other hardworking organizations and activists across the state for a virtual celebration of the historic ruling made by the Supreme Court to protect LGBTQ rights in the workplace.
And while our fellow Michigander Aimee Stephens was not able to live to see this landmark decision, her legacy will mean so much for the LGBTQ community.
I'm proud to be part of the progress toward equal rights in our country. As a former lieutenant commander in the U.S. Navy Reserve, I was active in the repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell," because no patriot should be turned away from serving their country because of who they are. And I have been an advocate of marriage equality, including signing the amicus brief to support the overturning of the DOMA. But there is still so much more work to be done and that includes passing the Equality Act.
As I continue to work in the Senate, I can promise that I will keep fighting for consistent and explicit non-discrimination protections for every American. No employer should ever be able to discriminate an individual based on their sexual orientation and/or gender identity. No American should ever be denied housing, employment, health care or public accommodations based on who they are or who they love. It is a promise I take seriously as an elected official, and one I wish all elected officials and candidates shared.
My colleagues in the House fought hard to pass the Equality Act, but Mitch McConnell refuses to put it up for a vote in the Senate. All the while, President Trump continues to implement an agenda that has unraveled years of progress for the LGBTQ community from rollbacks of health care coverage to banning transgender Americans serving in the military.
With Republican leaders in the White House and Senate not even allowing a vote on the Equality Act, we cannot truly achieve equality or make gains for marginalized communities.
That's why in 2020, our goal is clear: Win back the White House, hold the majority in the House and flip the Senate blue. And that starts right here in Michigan with this Senate seat. To capture the Senate majority and take back the White House, we must win Michigan.
It couldn't be more clear how much is at stake and how critical it is that we elect people who are going to fight for the equal rights of all Americans.
We have a lot of work ahead, but I know that together we can rise above the challenges to make historic change.

Anti-LGBTQ Statements Made by Peters' GOP Challenger John James:

