
Charles Alexander

Chicken Little no more!

Parting Glances I rarely write about straight guys. I've known a few in my life. I find them to be, well, somewhat flighty. But in the interest of civility to all God's web-footed creatures let me tell you about one, Glen. I met Glen two years [...]

My rainbow visitor

Parting Glances I've lost three friends in three months. LaMarr Fields, Rev. Mark Bidwell, my Cass Tech High School classmate Gordon Barnard. Each lives inwardly as long as I will live; and at 75 that may be of short duration or, hopefully, until [...]

Parting Glances: Keep those seams straight!

So says "A Guide to the Manners, Etiquette, and Deportment of the Most Refined Society," an 1879 best seller devoted to rules that "make social intercourse more agreeable, and facilitate hospitalities, when all members of society hold them as [...]

Angel Bruce's Platinum Plates

Parting Glances I'm a skeptic when it comes to Divine Revelations – excepting of course, the OT and NT (King Jame's version), and the final-edited version of Mitt Romney's beloved Book of Mormon. I was sent the following item by an unknown party, [...]

Life's leaky faucet

Parting Glances At my advanced age I've come to realize I really don't exist. With the exception of the IRS, my creditors, my column's faithful baker's dozen fans, my friends. I'm a nobody, and an old nobody at that. Sigh. It happens. Of the seven [...]

Truth stranger than fiction

Parting Glances I've been told about a well known TV preacher who had an unexpected visit from none other than the True Ghost of Xmas Past. I'm omitting his name and church affiliation because, the true truth is, you probably know who he is. He's [...]

Wise men, cross-dressing chickens

Parting Glances An olde, olde legend – newly shared for posterity by a handful of forthright and gay-friendly scholars – says that the wise man known as Kaspar liked on festive occasions and birthdays to do drag. (Melchior and Balthazar were [...]

Gay Agenda Santa Outed

Parting Glances I hate to play the Gay Grinch Who Stole Christmas but there's a movement afoot by the Southern Comfort Baptists to do away with all suspected gay references in Christmas carols and holiday traditions. Unless we act with a united [...]

My Argentinean Knees

Parting Glances I've a friend, Wardell, who shamelessly flatters new acquaintances in oddball ways. "You've got exciting toes," he'll tell a guy wearing sandals. "Your earlobes indicate you're well endowed," he'll remark to a party guest. "I'd [...]

So wise, the fabled snow

Parting Glances That silent night the sound of jackboots grew loud encircling our streets. The hosannas grew bold. Onward like soldiers marching as to war they came, letting no one bar their trampling way. "We march in the name of all consuming [...]

How's your B3 advantage?

Parting Glances There's an old saying, "If you don't use it you lose it." It applies to both sex and voting. (Diddle in the parlor. Get screwed at the polls.) While my own sex life is an open book (mostly blank pages of late) that "certain urge" [...]

Parting Glances: Tommy Pitwool's 7

He lives with his mommy, Jean-Rose. His daddy, Darnell Prince Pitwool. And a dog named Armageddon. Tommy's home schooled. Living in Topelulu, Ala., famed sin-free domain of Lou "Lulu" Seldom's Fracas in the Family Foundation. (An America-First town [...]