
Charles Alexander

Goodbye, Sweet Diva: Remembering Louise Hodgson

The lights have dimmed. The golden curtain has descended. The musicians have gone. There will be no more Mimi. No more Aida. No more Turandot. Sadly, no more heartbroken Butterfly. Here then, the final brava! Bravissima! The traditional fans' [...]

Parting Glances: H. H. H. who?

TEPID SPRINGS (GA): SEXodus, an ex-gay outreach sponsored by It's Not A Choice Ministries and Moms Against Wide Stance Politicians, today announced it's expanding its reparative therapy (RT) programs to include one of America's long neglected [...]

Looping with Sister

Parting Glances My contact with the world of the spiritually disenfranchised (but fashionably so), Sr. Serena Scatterpin, Renegade Sisters of Mary (she claims all gay men are Sister Marys), sent me a mysterious note. She's intuitive. She knows me [...]

Tats, poems, pictures A night of Good Will for the Center!

Art at Affirmations "Would you like to see my tats?" asks Chris Posler, 45. "I have 20 of them." As a fan of tattoo artistry I of course say yes. "Follow me," winks Chris, a tad eager to show off his private collection of body art. In the men's [...]

The Day Amanda Came

Parting Glances I was once chided by a friend (who was then, I'll freely now admit – he lives in Hawaii – a little more anal retentive than I) for reading several books at a time. He felt my reading a paragraph here, a page or two there, a chapter [...]

Scatterpin does Oral U

Parting Glances A postcard I got from my good friend the intrepid Recovering Catholic e-gadabout Sr. Serena Scatterpin, Renegade Sisters of Mary, is rather, well, phallic. To say the least. Postmarked Tulsa OK. it's an oil well panorama. Two are [...]

Three for Oscar (#2)

Parting Glances Oscar Wilde's full name is Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie Wills Wilde: a bit grand for an Irish wit, playwright. And, gay man! But it does have a nice ring of blarney to it. Wilde loved decorative names. (His mother, an Irish folklorist [...]

Two for the price of one!

Art at Affirmations Kevin Voog Tobin, 18, has a twin brother, David. They share an A+ gay gene (if indeed there is one). Kevin also has a gift: his art. (David studies biology at Wayne State University.) A+ for achieving for both guys. Fourteen of [...]

Parting Glances: Three for Oscar pt.1

This is the story of Dorian Lavender, who has vanished from the party scene of music, stimulants, delightful sensuality, and is now — so sad to say — beyond the saving grace of friends and lovers, of which there are many. (Perhaps you loved him [...]

Parting Glances: Three days and . . .

FRIDAY JOURNAL ENTRY: I think of Mart Crowley's campy line from "Boys in the Band": "It takes a fairy to make something pretty." Yes, yes: a bevy of fellowshiping aerials . . . The MCC-Detroit Chapel basement is all "glitter and be gay" (another [...]

Parting Glances: Tears for fears (a fable)

The occasion was unprecedented for Angel 777, Assistant to Archangel 77, Under Assistant to Deputy Seraphim 7a. It's was also downright unthinkable, because Heaven's so confoundedly immaculately well-ordered. A Foursquare City of Burnished Gold. [...]

Faith as a grain of mustard seed: Troy Perry had it

Eight months before the Stonewall Riots – our LGBT call to freedom from police, political and religious oppression – Rev. Troy Perry invited 12 friends on the quiet Sunday morning of Oct. 6, 1968, to his small Los Angeles apartment to pray, sing and [...]