Hank Kennedy
Hank Kennedy is a Detroit-area educator, activist, and writer whose work has appeared in Logos, New Politics, the Progressive and the Comics Journal.
Michigan Rep. Neil Friske Arrest Shows Hypocrisy of 'Traditional Values' Politicians
It is a heuristic of American politics that those who raise their voices loudest in defense of “traditional American values” or a retrograde “sexual morality” have a better than average chance of themselves being enmeshed in [...]
The Humble Hippopotamus: Michigan’s Next Pride Symbol?
The animals that represent American political parties are quite the menagerie. Most people know about the Democratic donkey and the Republican elephant, but what about the Libertarian porcupine? The Constitution Party eagle? The very fitting [...]
Anti-LGBTQ+ Conspiracist Robert F. Kennedy to Appear on Michigan Ballot
Robert F. Kennedy Jr., son of slain 1968 Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, has officially qualified for the November ballot in Michigan. Kennedy and running mate Nicole Shanahan are running as the Natural Law Party’s candidates in the [...]
Tim Walberg: Michigan’s Worst Congressman?
Congressman Tim Walberg, a man with the name and look of a substitute teacher, is an unlikely candidate to grab headlines. Yet after his latest blowup over nuclear weapons, grab headlines is exactly what he did, in national media such as USA Today [...]
Ferndale-Based Hate Group Church Militant: Gone For Good?
We fighters for LGBTQ+ rights have to take our victories where we can get them. As state governments continue to try to take our rights away, as right-wing bigots fulminate about eliminating us from public life, as we reel in horror from the death of [...]