Jason Collins

Jason Collins

Jason Collins is a writer based in Las Vegas with his two cats and dachshund. He has been writing and exploring the intersections of power and politics for over 9 years.

End of an Era: Michigan's Out Post Magazine Bids Farewell to LGBTQ+ Readers

Out Post publisher Steve Culver bid farewell to Michigan’s LGBTQ+ readers with a final June 2024 issue bearing the headline, “This first draft of history is finally put on the shelf.” The cover features a selection of front [...]

Add These Wholesomely Fabulous Ann Arbor Library Pride Events to Your Calendar

You could fill up every moment of free time from now until the end of June with a Pride fest somewhere in Michigan, but that kind of nonstop socializing and frenetic energy isn’t for everyone. It’s a good thing, then, that the Ann Arbor [...]

LGBT Detroit Turns 30: What You Need to Know About North America's Largest Black-Led LGBTQ+ Organization

At a time when LGBTQ+ issues are at the forefront of American politics, for queer folks, finding affirming community can feel like a lifeline. LGBT Detroit, North America’s largest Black-founded and led LGBTQ+ non-profit, has been growing that [...]