
Jay Kaplan

Jay Kaplan is the Nancy Katz & Margo Dichtelmiller LGBTQ+ Rights Project staff attorney for the ACLU of Michigan.

Adoption Case Settlement Win for LGBTQ Michiganders

This past Friday came the announcement that the ACLU of Michigan and the state of Michigan settled a lawsuit that we, the ACLU, had filed — challenging the state's practice of allowing state-contracted, taxpayer-funded foster care and adoption [...]

The Transgender Community will not Be Erased

It's been a challenging week this week for members of the transgender community, their allies and supporters. Over the weekend, the New York Times revealed that officials within the Trump Administration are pushing for a narrow definition of sex in [...]

Faith-Based Service Refusals in State-Sponsored Foster, Adoptive Care is Illegal

There are more than 13,000 children in Michigan's foster care system who are need of permanent loving and supportive homes. The State of Michigan through the Department of Health and Human Services and the Children's Services Agency is tasked with [...]

Supreme Court Cakeshop Ruling Does Not Provide License to Discriminate

Some are misinterpreting last week's Supreme Court's decision in the Masterpiece Cake case, as providing a license to discriminate against LGBTQ people. This is patently false. The Court's ruling in favor of the cake shop was based on very narrow [...]

Unanimous Vote in Favor of Michigan Transgender Woman is Groundbreaking

A landmark legal decision for transgender rights was issued last week. A unanimous three-judge panel of the federal Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals — covering Michigan, Kentucky, Ohio and Tennessee — ruled that Michigan RG & GR Harris Funeral [...]

LGBTQ Rights in Era of Marriage Equality

It's been more than two and half years since the U.S. Supreme Court in Obergefell v. Hodges held that our Constitution guarantees us both the fundamental right to marry and the ancillary benefits associated with a legal marriage. The Williams [...]