
Kelli Dunham

How a 'Ring of Keys' and a Ferry Across Lake Michigan Opened Up My Whole World

Back in the days when folks were significantly more (ahem) flexible in their understanding of the supervision needs of children, my mom deposited my cell-phone-less 12-year-old self and my 13-year-old sister on the Manitowoc side of the SS Badger car [...]

Pride and Precaution: Your Guide to Celebrating Being Queer with Care

I've been performing at Prides as a comedian and storyteller since glitter-covered T-rexes sashayed across Jurassic drag stages.It's possible this is slight hyperbole.It's also possible that I'll receive many emails from people who understand [...]

Let's *Not* Say Forever and Other Ways LGBTQ+ Folks Are Queering Their Wedding Vows 

My perhaps ill-advised decision to permit connection with my extremely heterosexual and extremely traditional mom on social media has resulted in many fascinating discussions. What is a content warning? Why so much chat about Taylor Swift's necklace? [...]