
Lisa Keen

Win in Birth Certificate Fight for Indiana Married Same-Sex Couples

A federal appeals panel of Republican appointees ruled Friday that the state of Indiana must treat same-sex married couples the same as male-female married couples when determining who to list on a child's birth certificate. The case, Henderson v. [...]

Debate Shows Buttigieg Hanging On

Political observers gave U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren high marks in Tuesday night's debate — the last debate before the first voting that will happen before the Feb. 3 Iowa caucuses. She adeptly deflected a question aimed at eliciting a fight between [...]

4th Circuit Rules in Favor of HIV-Positive Service Members

A three-judge panel of the 4th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals on Jan. 10 unanimously upheld a national injunction to stop the U.S. Air Force from discharging service members just because they have HIV infection. The ruling immediately helps at least [...]

Noteworthy LGBTQ Moments in 2019

One might argue that 2019 was a pretty good year for LGBTQ people. An openly gay man rose to the top tier of a large field of Democratic presidential candidates. A second openly LGBTQ person was sworn into the U.S. Senate. A record number of openly [...]

National LGBTQ Election Results

More than 75 percent of openly LGBTQ candidates running in Tuesday's off-year elections won. The total, 112, 106 Democrats, one Republican, one independent and four with undeclared party affiliations. It was a happy night for Democrats. Anti-LGBTQ [...]

Trump HHS Reverses Obama-Era Non-Discrimination Policy

The Department of Health and Human Services' press release announcing a change in the administration of its grants had an innocuous-sounding title, one that said its purpose was to ensure that HHS regulations do not "impose specific public policy [...]

One Trump Nominee Denies He's a Bigot and the Other is Gay

A confirmation hearing for two Trump nominees to the nation's largest federal appeals court snared considerable media attention Wednesday after one of those nominees dissolved into tears while trying to defend himself against claims that he harbors [...]

U.S. Rep. Katie Hill Resigns

Keen News Service U.S. Rep. Katie Hill, an early leader among first-term members of the U.S. House and the first openly bisexual person elected to the House, resigned Sunday night. In a letter posted at 7 p.m. ET Sunday on Twitter, Hill said she was [...]

Openly Bisexual US Rep. Katie Hill Publicly Acknowledges 'Inappropriate' Relationship With Staff Member

U.S. Rep. Katie Hill publicly acknowledged Wednesday that she engaged in an "inappropriate" relationship with a member of her staff. But she contends the allegations, supplemented by at least one photograph in which Hill is naked with a staffer, [...]

CNN LGBTQ Town Hall Overview

The bar had been set pretty high for CNN's Oct. 10 town hall on LGBTQ issues for Democratic presidential candidates. It was the first national television broadcast by a major media outlet of an LGBTQ-specific discussion with presidential candidates. [...]

Supreme Court Analysis: A Look at the Probabilities in the Title VII Rulings

U.S. Supreme Court observers are more reluctant than usual to try and predict how the court might come down on the always hot-button issue of rights for LGBTQ people. There is a newly minted conservative majority on the court since the last LGBTQ [...]

Optimism for Pro-LGBTQ Supporters During Oct. 8 Supreme Court Arguments

WASHINGTON — It was the second day of the court's 2019-20 session, and the two hours of arguments Tuesday, Oct. 8, were split between cases involving discrimination based on sexual orientation and discrimination based on transgender status. But very [...]