
Matthew Rettenmund

Matthew Rettenmund blogs at and is the author of the brand-new edition of "Encyclopedia Madonnica." He grew up in Flushing, Michigan, and now lives in NYC.

Ageism, Her Motown Influences and More: What the Book 'Madonna: A Rebel Life' Tells Us About Madonna

Reading is ... hard. At some point, I joked that I don't read at all anymore, and I may have even said so to Mary Gabriel, the acclaimed writer who has set her sights on Madonna with her new biography "Madonna: A Rebel Life," because she teased me [...]

The Queer Lives She Has Changed: Why Madonna Still Matters to LGBTQ+ People

On January 17, Madonna announced her first retrospective hits tour, with the first tickets going on sale a whole three hours later. “Take my money!” gays often say when their divas pull up with fresh product. But nobody is happier to take [...]