
Todd Heywood

The Promise of the Pill

It's blue, and a pill. It's tied to sex, but it's not Viagra. It's Truvada. And although it's been approved by the federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use as an HIV-preventative — and a highly effective one at that — since 2012, access, [...]

What We Know and What We Can Do to End the Epidemic

State health officials, politicians, activists and care providers on the frontline of the HIV epidemic are most optimistic than they have been in 36 years. There is a light at the end of the tunnel — with biomedical interventions the transmission of [...]

Whitmer: 'Snyder Needs to Declare Public Health Emergency in Opioid Crisis'

Former Senate Minority Leader Gretchen Whitmer, who is a leading candidate for the Democratic nomination for governor, is calling on Republican Gov. Rick Snyder to declare a public health emergency related to the ongoing opioid crisis in Michigan. [...]

Chicana activist sees connections between LBGT issues, immigration

Capitol Correspondent LANSING – Claudia Gonzalez remembers vividly walking across the campus of Michigan State University two years ago. The campus was abuzz with football excitement, the Spartans were hosting a home game. That's when she came [...]

Forming a Hate Group

When current Harvard School of Public Health Research Associate Raphael Ezekiel was a professor at the University of Michigan Ann Arbor, he became curious about the growth of the racist SS Action Group. That curiosity lead the social psychology [...]

MSU Group listed as Hate Group by Southern Poverty Law Center

EAST LANSING – When the 2006 Hate Group list is released by the Southern Poverty Law Center at the end of April, it will include a recognized Michigan State University student group. The group, Young Americans for Freedom, will be the first [...]

LGBT families lobby state legislature for support

LANSING – With a state house bill introduced to allow second parent adoption in Michigan, LGBT families and allies were out in force last week at the state Capitol to send a message: LGBT families are here and we're not going anywhere. The event, [...]

Architect of national anti-gay amendment says dissolve institution of marriage rather than let gays in

EAST LANSING – In a stunning change of tone in the debate on marriage equality, a leading far right opponent said that the institution of marriage should be dissolved rather than allow homosexuals in. Professor Gerard Bradley, a University of Notre [...]

Guidance: Not Infectious

For the first time since the HIV epidemic began, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta has announced that some people living with the virus can attain a state where they pose no risk of transmitting the disease. On Sept. 27, [...]

Fanning Sounds off on Trump's Transgender Ban

Calling President Donald Trump's directives to ban transgender people from serving in the military "a betrayal" and "unpatriotic," former Secretary of the Army Eric Fanning has added his voice to a growing chorus of current and former military [...]

Farmer's Market Battle

An employee of Country Mill sells apples and apple products like cider at the East Lansing Farmer's Market Sunday. They returned to the market after winning a federal court injunction. They had been banned from the market for discrimination against [...]

City Pulse Reporter Assaulted Covering Country Mills Controversy in East Lansing

As a supporter of Country Mill's right to discriminate based on the organization's sincerely held religious beliefs squared off with a supporter of the LGBT community on Sunday at the East Lansing Farmers Market, a City Pulse reporter was assaulted [...]