
Todd Heywood

Simcox protest at MSU leads to felony charges

Capitol Correspondent EAST LANSING- Jose Villigrans and Raul Perez who were both arrested during the Chris Simcox speech at MSU this April, have each been charged with felonies. The charges are assaulting a police officer as well as a misdemeanor [...]

State Legislator honored at National Log Cabin Convention in Denver

In the end, he came to the conclusion that God created LBGT people just as he did straight people and they did not deserve to be discriminated against. Capitol Correspondent LANSING–State Rep. Lorence Wenke (R-Galesburg) says he has been getting [...]

MSU hate group put in the cross hairs by Michigan Democratic Party

Capitol Correspondent LANSING- Michigan Democratic Party Chair Mark Brewer is calling on a host of well-known Republicans to cut their ties to and condemn Michigan State University's chapter of Young Americans for Freedom because it is identified [...]

Manhunt profile raises serious concerns

Capitol Correspondent LANSING – The profile of a man identifying himself as "reststopcop" on has police worried. The picture in the profile is that of Detective Sgt. Roy Holliday of the Ingham County Sheriff Department and appears to [...]

Protestors arrested at MSU hate group event charged

Capitol Correspondent LANSING – The Ingham County prosecutor has issued a felony warrant for the arrest of Jose Villigrans, says Ingham County Chief Deputy Prosecutor Linda Maloney. Villigrans was arrested April 19 at a speech by Chris Simcox, [...]

Michigan Equality aims to educate, mobilize community about Domestic Partnership benefits

Capitol Correspondent LANSING – Michigan Equality, with partners the ACLU of Michigan and Triangle Foundation, are teaming up with a dozen local organizations to raise awareness about the recent Michigan Court of Appeals ruling about domestic [...]

Hate group's invited speaker is shouted down

Capitol Correspondent EAST LANSING – The appearance at Michigan State University of Minutemen Civilian Defense Corps leader Chris Simcox was marred with protests and arrests. Simcox spoke at MSU on Thursday, at the invitation of the MSU College [...]

Hundreds rally to restore arts funding

LANSING – Hundreds of arts advocates from all over the state of Michigan rallied at the capitol Wednesday demanding a restoration of arts grants for the current fiscal year. "This is money that was promised, planned for and in many cases already [...]

Soulforce Equality Ride visits Spring Arbor University

SPRING ARBOR – The East Coast team of Soulforce Equality Ride met with students, faculty and community members in Spring Arbor Saturday afternoon. Joining the 25 activists were about 20 students and community members. Spring Arbor refused to allow [...]

Unity minister says he's ready to provide civil union services

Capitol Correspondent LANSING – The Rev. Kent Lederer of Unity of Greater Lansing has taken over the reins of what he describes as a "transdenominational" church and is ready to start performing civil unions. The 60-year-old openly gay minister [...]

Battle Cry: An Evangelical Christian responds

Dr. Julie Nemecek is worried about Battle Cry and Ron Luce's militaristic movement. As an ordained Baptist minister, Luce,Aeos message twists what she sees as the Christian message. "Jesus didn't dwell on metaphors," she says. "They're not bad [...]

Anthos death ruled natural, questions linger

DETROIT-The Wayne County Medical Examiner has ruled the death of Andrew Anthos, a 72-year-old gay man widely reported to have been gay bashed, was natural causes. Dr. Carl J. Schmidt, Chief Medical Examiner of Wayne County, ruled in his autopsy [...]