
Farmers Alley Takes Sharp, Uneasy Look At Racial Progress

By Judith Cookis Rubens If you're shifting uncomfortably in your seat at Farmers Alley's latest offering, "Clybourne Park," it's probably not the stiff seat [...]

Hooray For Hollywood?

By John Quinn {ITAL I'm nobody! Who are you?/Are you nobody, too? Then there's a pair of us – don't tell!/They'd banish us, you know. How dreary to be [...]

Musical Counts The Years Of Love And Marriage

By John Quinn A major part of an actor's craft is discovering and understanding his or her character. When the characters and actors are both married couples, [...]

Musical Sustenance That's Filling, Not Savory

By Carolyn Hayes However harsh and cold this Michigan winter proves, the swiftly modernizing world in the wake of the Industrial Revolution was a far harsher [...]

Tipping Point's Usual Suspects Pull Delightful Comic Caper

By Carolyn Hayes Don't mess with success. Dave Davies and Wayne David Parker have a good thing going at Tipping Point Theatre; this is the third consecutive [...]

Not Your Typical Planet Ant Late-Night Show

By Dana Casadei Before "The Algorithm" began on opening night, Planet Ant artistic director Shawn Handlon gave the old "turn your phones off" speech. But then [...]

Lemons To Lemonade: A Tart Solution To Writer's Block

By John Quinn The backstage story was a recurring plot device of Hollywood films, but it's less common in theater itself. That alone would make "A Play by [...]

Lions Roar In Williamston Production

By Bridgette M. Redman If you want to feel better about your family's holiday gatherings and the dysfunction that is hung like holly on a tree, take a trip to [...]

Simple People, Simple Story, Simply Splendid

By John Quinn The contrast could not be sharper. Outside, near-zero temps and howling winds reduced traffic on I-94 to a bumper-to-bumper crawl. Inside, [...]

At The Fox: Beloved Characters, Dancing And Lots Of Merchandise

By Jenn McKee At the risk of sounding stuffy, I couldn't help but watch "Sesame Street Live: Can't Stop Singing," now playing at Detroit's Fox Theatre, and [...]

Looking At Young-Adult Adversity In The Rearview

By Carolyn Hayes Following last season's "Brill," Performance Network Theatre and playwright David Wells have again teamed up to develop another [...]

From Michigan To 'Jersey' ... And Back Again

By Carolyn Hayes Michigan native Eric Gutman stars in his one-man musical journey: "Eric Gutman: From Broadway to Obscurity." Photo: Courtesy of The Berman As [...]