
Ask Lambda Legal

By Greg Nevins Q. I am a lesbian who just started a new job on the management team at a new company. Invites have already started going out for the office [...]

Going Too Far

By Gwendolyn Ann Smith Gwendolyn Ann Smith On the 27th of November, as many hit the stores looking for "black Friday" deals, a gunman walked into a Planned [...]

We Need Protections & Support for LGBT Older Adults

BY SHELBY PATTERSON Michigan is not prepared to work with LGBT older adults. Federal and state civil rights laws do not include the terms sexual orientation [...]

Why LGBT Couples Should Sign A Prenup Before Celebrating Marriage Equality

BY LISA SCHMIDT FERNDALE – Now that the Supreme Court opened marriage to LGBT citizens across the country, record numbers of LGBT couples are tying the knot. [...]

Don't Sign The Petition

By Howard Israel Hey there! Please don't sign the petition that would allow the general voting public to decide whether or not Michigan's LGBT citizens [...]

BTL Editorial: The End Of HIV Is Near...

The end of HIV is near … If we make use of the tools available to us today. And that is no short order. HIV stigma, slut shaming, lack of knowledge of HIV, [...]

The Season To Give Thanks And Thankfully Give

It's that time of year when, with joy or dread, we all get ready for the holidays. There's dinner to prepare and parties to attend. Everyone's making a list [...]

Transmissions: The Next Day

By Gwendolyn Ann Smith On Nov. 20, Transgender Day of Remembrance is marked with events, marches, letters from dignitaries and so on. Die-ins are held, [...]

Viewpoint: Is A Referendum The Answer?

BY William Haycook Being 71, I have lived through pretty much all phases of the battle to achieve equal protection for members of our community. From living in [...]

World AIDS Day

BY DR. ABDUL EL-SAYED "Rare Cancer Seen in 44 Homosexuals" read a 1981 headline in the New York Times. Few realized that it would herald a pandemic that would [...]

Losing Heroes Often Win

By Jerome Pohlen In May 1961, Frank Kameny received notice from the United States Supreme Court. It was rejecting his legal petition challenging the federal [...]

Supreme Court Takes Up Most Significant Reproductive Rights Cases In Decades

By Elliot Mincberg The Supreme Court announced Nov. 13 that it will decide on the constitutionality of severe restrictions adopted in Texas that threaten to [...]