
Protest to target Catholic church's financial support of Proposal 2

LGBT activist and former Coalition for a Fair Michigan employee Tom Zerafa is calling for "a peaceful demonstration of solidarity supporting families of the [...]

Transmissions: No time to play it safe

By Gwendolyn Ann Smith For me, November is dominated by two things. Seven years ago, I founded a project called Remembering Our Dead, focusing on [...]

You know you 'Want Two'

By Gregg Shapiro To fully appreciate the talents of Rufus Wainwright, one should experience him in both audio and video formats. With the release of his [...]

Take Michigan back

Dear BTL, After taking a good friend's advice, my anger and mourning are over. I am gradually gaining a sense of how to channel my anger and frustration about [...]

Coalition for a Fair Michigan keeps growing

The number of member organizations in the Coalition for a Fair Michigan continues to grow as the election gets closer. Concerns over civil rights protection, [...]

Curtain Calls

CC1 Humble.jpg: Paul Hopper, Barbara Coven and Gillian Eaton breathe life into "Humble Boy" at Ann Arbor's Performance Network Theatre. Photo: Peter Smith. [...]

Bright Young Things' fails to shine

I was worried from the moment I heard the opening bars of the intro number. "Sing, Sing, Sing," the big band classic made so popular by Benny Goodman, is a [...]

Curtain Calls XTRA

Review: "The Adventures of Captain Neat-O Man" & "Space F*ckers" HEADLINE Super heroes, aliens and kidnappers, oh my! DECK It's just the start of [...]

Dear Jody

By Jody Valley Slow down and get to know each other Q: My lover and I have decided to tie-the-knot, as best we can, that is, given we can't do it legally, [...]

Deep Inside Hollywood

By Romeo San Vicente Keaton surrenders to 'Dorothy' Annie Hall is off to see the wizards – not of Oz, but of CBS. Oscar winner Diane Keaton has signed on to [...]

Different = wonderful

By Gwendolyn Ann Smith I recently had a delightful experience. My partner and I were grabbing a train into town recently, when we came upon a fellow traveler. [...]

It's time to step up

Time is running short this election cycle. In just four short weeks we will go to the polls to decide who will lead our country, who will make decisions at the [...]