
Gov. Snyder must veto discriminatory health care bill

The United States is moving forward. Michigan is moving back. As of Tuesday, the U.S. officially got rid of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell," the ban on openly gay and [...]

Of bills and buffoons

Now this is just getting embarrassing. We live in a state that bans same-sex marriage, refuses to recognize perfectly legal same-sex marriages performed in [...]

Let's make us count

So far in 2011, we've seen a dizzying array of numbers that attempt to define the LGBT community. We've learned that gays make up 3-5 percent of the [...]

Cocktail Chatter: Dark and Stormy

by Ed Sikov "Old Storrrr-my! Old Storrrr-my!" Craig was insufferable. But he was so perfectly Santana that I laughed despite myself. "Shut up!" I begged, but [...]

Put your voting cap on

It may sound silly to be encouraging our community to vote right now, when the next major national election is more than a year away. But now is the perfect [...]

Fringe can't be 'balanced'

Last week, NPR featured a story that discussed gay conversion therapy. NPR's presentation of the therapy earned a lot of heated feedback from listeners, due [...]

Hate is hate, no matter what it's called

It's easy to think that hate crimes are a problem of the past. But as we've seen recently, hate crimes do happen, and they still affect our community. In [...]

Renee Harmon needs our support

Renee Harmon is a mother. She raised three children over ten years with her former partner, Tammy Davis. And when their 19-year relationship ended, so did [...]

We must take back 'family'

The word family has suffered a lot of abuse. Republicans have dubbed themselves the "family values party." Many conservative organizations have hid their [...]

Stop listening to Gary Glenn

Last week, Gary Glenn went on Linda Harvey's radio show and proclaimed that gays aren't the "best or the brightest" employees. The earned Glenn, the head of [...]

Cocktail Chatter: Ch-ch-ch-Changes: The Daiquiri

by Ed Sikov Craig and Kyle were Splitsville after the Judy Carne fiasco. Their heartbreak was my joy, since I'd been praying to Eros and darker forces since [...]