
BTL Staff

Between The Lines has been publishing LGBTQ-related content in Southeast Michigan since the early '90s. This year marks the publication's 27th anniversary.

Q Scopes: "Store your mementos, Sagittarius!"

by Jack Fertig Week of February 5, 2007 Mercury, which is all about logic and communication, just went into mystical, spacey Pisces, which is lousy for filing, mass transit, and logic, but very nice for music, art, magic, and meditation. Merc will [...]

REVIEW: A rose by any name, sweet if not sweeter

By D. A. Blackburn, guest critic If you have ever wondered what a Second City interpretation of Shakespeare might be like, the BoarsHead Theater's "The People vs. Friar Laurence, The Man Who Killed Romeo and Juliet," is just the production to [...]

REVIEW: Fathers and sons to the third power

By Robert Bethune, guest critic Caryl Churchill's "A Number" at Planet Ant Theatre is not about human cloning, even though three of the four characters in it are the product of that dangerous and fascinating inevitability. It is really about guilt [...]

Review: Sweet trials make for delicious drama

By D. A. Blackburn, guest critic Adapting historical events to the stage can be a risky business. Works taking too much artistic license are sure to suffer a slow death at the hands of critics and audiences alike. Conversely, works that cling too [...]

The Gay Moralist: How liars killed our benefits

By John Corvino It was a classic bait-and-switch. When gay-rights opponents sought to amend Michigan's constitution to prohibit, not only same-sex marriage, but also "similar union[s] for any purpose," they told us that the amendment was not about [...]

Viewpoint: Same-sex benefits reversal 'distressing'

By Jay Kalpan Most of you by now have heard about the Michigan Court of Appeals' decision, which reversed the Ingham County Circuit court decision that the language of 2004 Prop 2, now a constitutional amendment, does not prevent public employers [...]

Dear Jody: Parents accuse lesbian sister of turning brother gay

Q: Jody, I can't believe what is happening in my life. I thought I had it made with my family because when I came out to them as a lesbian, they were pretty accepting of me. I felt so lucky because so many of my friends didn't have that kind of [...]

Viewpoint: Black History/Herstory Pt.2

By Imani Williams The series continues by recognizing the contributions and talents of a sister in the movement who moves with grace and style and the old soul wisdom of someone who believes that "when we know better, we do better." Courtney Snowden [...]

Viewpoint: Black love: The Holloway-Welch family story

By Kimya Afi Ayodele In this installment of unsung African American SGL and Transgender heroines and heroes in honor of Black Herstory/History month, I introduce you to the Holloway-Welch family. I believe that they are herstory makers because [...]

Edwards says he supports gay civil unions, but wavers on marriage

By Lisa Keen PORTSMOUTH, N.H. – "Be honest!" called out a voice to John Edwards as he tackled a question about what he himself described as "the single hardest social issue for me personally." The issue was whether gay couples should have the same [...]

200 Czech couples have entered civil unions

More than 200 same-sex couples have taken advantage of the Czech Republic's civil-union law since it came into force last July, local media reported Jan. 2. The statute, which became law after the Chamber of Deputies overrode President Vaclav [...]

Anti-gay coach protesters put ball in their court

Women's basketball and gay politics took to center court last weekend in Ann Arbor. As University of Michigan squared off against Penn State University at Crisler Arena, about 300 fans wore lavender shirts protesting PSU coach Rene Portland's [...]