
Q Scopes: "Store your mementos, Sagittarius!"

by Jack Fertig
Week of February 5, 2007

Mercury, which is all about logic and communication, just went into mystical, spacey Pisces, which is lousy for filing, mass transit, and logic, but very nice for music, art, magic, and meditation. Merc will go retrograde on the 13th, further confounding logic and order, but allowing for meditative retreats and the revisiting of lingering problems.

ARIES (March 20 – April 19): Lay low and avoid arguments. You'll only work yourself into a tizzy, trip up, and perhaps reveal awkward secrets. Stay out of the way. Hide out in a meditative retreat or spa, or clean out the attic.

TAURUS (April 20 – May 20): Confusion with friends can lead to feelings of betrayal and hurt. They (and you!) are only human, and these things happen. Don't take it too seriously, unless you have real evidence of malice.

GEMINI (May 21 – June 20): Clashes with authority – or efforts to exert some – will probably go badly. Be clear and cooperative, but leave yourself room to backpedal. Issues addressed now will come up again next month in a more favorable light.

CANCER (June 21 – July 22): To get deeper insights, revisit places where you have found either spiritual support or conflict: houses of worship, museums, or special meditative spots. Re-examining your political ideals could open up some interesting questions.

LEO (July 23 – August 22): Take time out to remember those who have passed on. As you consider their legacy, think also about what legacy you want to leave behind. Getting a jump on your taxes sounds good, but let them wait until after March 7.

VIRGO (August 23 – September 22): Problems with your partner will get worse before they get better. As nebulous as interpersonal issues are going to get, this can be a chance to learn deeper sensitivity and to be more forgiving. Look at it as a different kind of "housekeeping."

LIBRA (September 23 – October 22): Be careful about your health. You are susceptible to whatever is going around, especially at work. Also, at exercise it is easy to misjudge your limits and strain yourself. Tai chi and dance classes are a good way to keep active and fit.

SCORPIO (October 23 – November 21): Recall some of your favorite childhood games. If you can share them with children in your life now, you may open some creative channels. Even mere nostalgia for youthful pleasures can open up more new insights than you would expect.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 20): Accidents and problems around the house only show you what needs to be re-organized. Housecleaning offers a great chance to toss out old clutter that's been getting in the way. It would be better to store the mementos you want to keep.

CAPRICORN (December 21 – January 19): Misunderstandings with neighbors or siblings will soon come up. Being sympathetic helps, but sympathy is no substitute for clarity! Everyone will be getting a little mixed up, so be generous when offering and accepting apologies.

AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18): Hold on to your receipts, and keep your finances as clear and organized as possible. Trouble coming up will reveal existing problems in your accounts and budgets; accept that these problems can and will be solved.

PISCES (February 19 – March 19): You're especially outspoken these days, and whatever you say will come back in surprising ways. Logic is nobody's strong suit right now. You are more comfortable with poetry and whimsy, which could weigh strongly in your favor.
