
Charles Alexander

Parting Glances: Pox Vobiscum $$$$

It was a year ago last week that Pope Benedict XVI resigned from Holy Office to spend his last days in prayer and contemplation. Some say not a moment too soon. His Germanic reign as Christ's Vicar on Earth is overcast by clouds of Vatican Bank [...]

Parting Glances: 3:16 Gets Flicked Out!

I rarely write about straight guys. I find them to be, well, rather flighty. But in the interest of LGBT civility to all God's web-footed creatures, let tell you about my oddball neighbor Glen. A piece of work. I met Glen last year. Our meeting was [...]

Parting Glances: Urogynecologist, Anyone?

I can be thinking contentedly of a dozen things – of sealing wax, cabbages, queens – but let me get one hundred yards near my art studio, and without the slightest conscientious intent on my part I suddenly, urgently, desperately, have to [...]

Parting Glances: Rise And Shinola

There was a young man who was down on his luck. He got fired in January. In February his boyfriend dumped him. His cat croaked in March. His wallet was lifted in April. Worse still, in May he turned 29. Over the hill. June brought summer; but in [...]

Parting Glances: Well, Buzz My Blowhole!

Britain's popular New Scientist magazine offers an eye-opener about animal kink. Headline: "(Animals) participate in kissing, hugging, oral sex, masturbation and every kind of penetrative intercourse imaginable." This it would seem explains a lot [...]

Parting Glances: Martyrdom of Saint Matt

January 20th is the Feast Day of St. Sebastian. His 3rd Century death (288 A.D.) by crossbow arrows, while tethered to an upright post, is commemorated by paintings of over 100 artists, including Titian, El Greco, Redon, Tommaso, Carravagio, [...]

Parting Glances: Fable For A Gay Shoah

That silent night the sound of jackboots grew loud encircling our streets. The hosannas grew bold. Onward like soldiers marching as to war they came, letting no one bar their trampling way. "We march in the name of all consuming love," they sang. [...]

Three Gay Holocaust Survivors Remember

Between 1933 and 1945 when the Nazis came to power in Germany an estimated 100,000 homosexual men were arrested, of whom 50,000 were sentenced under criminal law Paragraph 175. Most served prison sentences. An estimated 5,000 to 15,000 were sent to [...]

Parting Glances: Peeking At Crystal Balls

America has had its fair share of celebrity psychics. It's human nature to want to know what the future holds, especially as the old year kicks off its rundown high heels and the new one shimmies into its disposable diaper. Fifty years ago the [...]

A Star Is Born . . .!

Parting Glances There are paths that by chance occasionally mix up in time, space, thought and crazy activation. Some factual. Some fantasy. And so it happened, once upon a near-but-distant whimsical time - in a universe that was hoodwinked by [...]

Mary Censored XXX-mas

Parting Glances I hate to play the Gay Grinch Who Stole Christmas, but there's a movement afoot by the Southern Comfort Baptists to do away with all suspected gay references in Christmas carols and holiday traditions. Unless we act with a united [...]

Nothing To Sneeze At

Parting Glances In the popular book turned movie, "The Seven Percent Solution", Sherlock Holmes pays an unexpected visit to shrink Sigmund Freud for advice on how to break the detective's cocaine addiction. While Holme's addiction was fiction, [...]