Final Show For Late Artist, Pride Source/Between The Lines Columnist to Open This Week
He left us in December but his memory will always linger on in metro Detroit’s queer community.The work of artist and longtime Between The Lines columnist [...]
Dutch Scientists Sound Alarm About Groundhog-Sexual Day
Something to chuckle over...Groundhog Day is once more here. It’s that time of the turncoat season when this rodentia relative of the woodchuck checks out [...]
Gospel 2022 for Mary and Heather
In the Year of the Grand Delusion, during the Reign of Rumors of Lost Wars, a decree went out from the Tetrarch of Theocracy, abiding in the Capitol of Divine [...]
Over the Rainbow Christmas
There are paths that by strange chances on Christmas Eve mix up in time, space, thought, crazy activation… Some fact. Some fantasy. Who knows? So it happened [...]
A Magic Moment Recalled!
About a dozen days ago tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow — at my age how can I be sure? — I was gifted with a pair of John Lennon enchantment [...]
OZ Updated
Somewhere over the rainbow in the fabled Land of OZ there were rumors circulating like chatterbox whirlwinds that the latest, newly appointed Wizard of OZ is [...]
Henry Ford Village Pride
This year's Pride Month was also the second year of my stay as a senior at Henry Ford Village (HFV) in Dearborn. The HFV "campus," as it's called (although it [...]
Parting Glances: Take Your Time, Mary!
Consult any daily horoscope worth its intrinsic wait in days, hours, star signs, planet probabilities and second guesses, and you'll come to the probable (or, [...]
Parting Glances: A 135-Year-Old Request Fulfilled
I celebrated the return of Spring three weeks ago by helping to fulfill a 135-year-old request by America's beloved poet, Emily Dickinson (1830-1886). That [...]
Shots and Shutdown
I received my first COVID-19 vaccination shot last week. My second right-arm shot is scheduled for March 11. Among 300 seniors inoculated in a well-coordinated [...]
Billy and Miss Nancy: Selma Sweets
Martin Luther King Jr.'s 1965 historic march from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama, for African American voter rights changed the South forever. (Or, did it?) Few [...]
700 PGs later
I started writing my Parting Glances column in 1999. Its premise was simple enough: choose an important LGB — and occasionally T — historical event that [...]
Parting Glances: Band Boys I Tooted With
Mart Crowley's "Boys In the Band" opened off-Broadway 53 years ago. I bought a copy of the play in Chicago in 1968 and read tryout dialog aloud while driving [...]
Parting Glances: Other voices; Other Gay Back Rooms
For over 50 years, Life magazine informed Americans about what was happening here and abroad. Photos and content were dramatic. Mostly conservative. [...]
Parting Glances: From a book in progress
As a gay teenager, I hung out at the Hub Grill in downtown Detroit, a greasy spoon of a place, located at Farmer & Bates in convenient walking distance of [...]
Parting Glances: Dreams Come and Go...
The mind-boggling possibility of recording dreams may soon be a reality, predicts a British monthly science magazine How It Works. Nanotechnology and brain [...]
Parting Glances: Book in Progress No. 1
I keep on my laptop desk a corner of chalky red brick. It's all that's left of the Cassboro Apartments formerly at 444 Peterboro, Detroit. I found this memento [...]