Chris Azzopardi

Chris Azzopardi

Chris Azzopardi is the Editorial Director of Pride Source Media Group and Q Syndicate, the national LGBTQ+ wire service. He has interviewed a multitude of superstars, including Cher, Meryl Streep, Mariah Carey and Beyoncé. His work has also appeared in The New York Times, Vanity Fair, GQ and Billboard. Reach him via Twitter @chrisazzopardi.

Hear Me Out: V.V. Brown is almost crazy amazing, pop stars help give 'Hope for Haiti'

V.V. Brown, 'Travelling Like the Light' On her self-declared "doo-wop indie" debut, the British cutie-pie sounds exactly like the thrift-store clothes she wears – all bright and very vintage. But for all the sugar-laced exuberance the [...]

DVD Dish: Rupert Everett's new movie: What a drag!

As a brainless British farce gung-ho on spreading grrrl-power, "St. Trinian's" asks a lot of you just to see Rupert Everett in drag. Patience, to ride out the whole tedious affair. A simple sense of humor, to find the laughs in cheap fart and [...]

Mariah's all diva in Detroit

You attend a Mariah Carey concert to be in the dreamlike presence of a super-diva, not expecting to be wooed by artful razzle-dazzle or the singer's dexterous dance moves. Those aerobics are in her voice, a supreme many-octave instrument that [...]

Carey Me

So Mariah Carey isn't just that vocally inimitable pop goddess who belts the hell out of "Hero," like she said during a press conference recently. I know that now, and am constantly reminded by some of her loopy antics (ice cream, anyone?), very [...]

Ke$ha's debut causes queasiness, Patty Griffin goes gospel

Hear Me Out Ke$ha, 'Animal' Pop's new "bi" on the block is the kid Katy Perry would have if she could birth a 22-year-old smart ass. Her stock elocution is an almost-clone of the "I Kissed a Girl" phony's. But Ke$ha likes booze more – or so she [...]

Dancing Through Life

Paul Matteson and Asli Bulbul in "Fondly Do We Hope … Fervently Do We Pray" (Photo: Paul B. Goode). Bill T. Jones will live to see 150. That's what the dancer-turned-director tells himself, anyway. It's a credo that's helped him defy aging, as the [...]

Gaga's Greatest (and Gayest) Moments

Good romances: That's all Lady Gaga gave during her two-night stint in Detroit. Crazy, creepy and radical, it was like something out of … well, Gaga's own warped world. That place is called "The Monster Ball," a hypersexual, gasp-granting sanctuary [...]

Tom Ford: The Other 'Man'

"I don't think most people knew that I'm extremely romantic, and I'm extremely emotional and insecure and shy. I kind of always pose in the same way. I don't let a lot of people very far into my life. I've always kind of presented a surface veneer, [...]

Dove' Tale

Music is as much a part of Barb Barton as her surroundings on the cover of her sixth album. Nestled in a woodsy area with a guitar slung over her shoulder, the Lansing musician spends a lot of time there, among nature, recharging and finding [...]

Hear Me Out: 'Idol' frontrunner finds her voice, Mary J. Blige weaker with 'Stronger'

Hear Me Out Katharine McPhee, 'Unbroken' Now a blonde, you wouldn't recognize the former "Idol" frontrunner on the cover of her second album. That's probably the point. After an awful, R&B-leaned 2007 debut bombed and struggled to [...]

Man Hunt

Birmingham photographer and student James Carrillo is examining no-strings-attached culture at Cranbrook Academy of Art. A piece from Carrillo's project. James Carrillo is watching himself masturbate. In a photo, anyway – part of a series that the [...]

A Magnificent 'Man'

This is how you know a gay fashion designer made "A Single Man": It looks great. And this poetic beauty, in all its chic come-to-life contrast, is what makes Tom Ford's dynamic directorial debut, where color dances about the funereal monochromatic [...]