
D'Anne Witkowski

D'Anne Witkowski is a writer living in Michigan with her wife and son. She has been writing about LGBTQ+ politics for nearly two decades. Follow her on Twitter @MamaDWitkowski.

Montana Senator Wants to Know Why LGBTQ+ Keep Hitting Themselves

Do you have the devil in you? If not, then what are you waiting for? 'Tis the Season, after all. Flu shot season, that is. And COVID-19 vaccination booster season. And if saving your own life or the life of someone else — not to mention keeping [...]

Plymouth City Commissioner Alanna Maguire on Why She's Married to Local Government (and Dana Nessel)

Local government matters. Who sits on your city commission is important because those are the people who make the decisions that are closest to your front door. Municipal races don't get the kind of breathless horse-race coverage that, say, a [...]

Teachers Sue School District for Right to Misgender Trans Students in the Name of Religious Freedom

Taking a look at what's going on in U.S. public schools and I have to say, things aren't great! From parents harassing and threatening school personnel with physical violence for daring to make their kids wear masks to the absolute racist-enabling [...]

Talk Show Host Wistfully Remembers How Great It Was For Gays During AIDS Epidemic

Those who forget history, or who willfully ignore it, are doomed to repeat it, which is why it should worry you that the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capital has been dismissed by Republicans as a routine visit by some rowdy but well meaning tourists. [...]

Crip Crusader' Dominick Evans of Detroit Works Toward Full Onscreen Representation For Disabled and Trans People

Dominick Evans has an alter ego: the Crip Crusader. He's on a mission to make sure that disabled and transgender people are represented in the media and not just by cisgender and able-bodied actors. Evans came up with the Crip Crusader while talking [...]

Twitter Silences U.S. Rep By Forcing Him to Use His Second Twitter Account to Complain About Twitter Suspending His Other Account

Twitter owes U.S. Rep. Jim Banks (R-Indiana) a big apology. They canceled him! Just because he used the site to do something that directly violated their terms of service — the very terms he agreed to when signing up for a Twitter account. IT'S SO [...]

The Ultimate Holigay Gift Guide: 14 Ideas To Make the Season Bright

Let's face it, two things are true: most of us don't need more stuff, and it's fun to give and receive presents. So shop smart and support local artists, small businesses, LGBTQ+ non-profits and LGBTQ-supportive campaigns this holiday season. Here's [...]

Texas School District Has Had It With Long-Haired Hippie Students

Hair is political.  The rules about hair in the United States are, well, hairy. A lot of it goes back to the Bible, which has lots of wild opinions about hair. In Leviticus, it states that men shouldn't trim their beards or the hair at their [...]

Grindr Improves User Experience By Allowing Users to Include (Tasteful) Bare-Butt Shots in Public Profiles

Today I learned that LinkedIn, the popular social networking site, is now allowing people to use bare-butt photos in their profiles. I was a little surprised considering that — oh, wait. It's Grindr, not LinkedIn. I am always getting those two [...]

Remembering Aut Bar: How the Iconic Ann Arbor Bar Brought a Community of LGBTQ+ People Together

Twenty two years ago, Ann Arbor resident Debra Miller came out at age 44 after a long marriage. The first LGBTQ+ space she went to was the Aut Bar. "When I came out, I didn't realize how difficult it would be to feel safe or feel comfortable," [...]

Making Care Sexy: Michigan Native Documents Intersection of Sexuality and Disability

Disabled people are sexual beings. Unfortunately, this fact is rarely depicted in the media or even something most able-bodied people consider.  Photographer and Yale MFA graduate Robert Andy Coombs seeks to change that with his work. The [...]

This Artist and Historian Are Preserving Michigan LGBTQ+ History With a Comic Book About the State's First Pride March

When Merrilee Melvin, then 24, came out as lesbian to some coworkers in 1972, she didn't expect to lose her job. "I was working at a little print shop in Detroit, and I had come out to my coworkers," she tells Pride Source via phone from her home in [...]