
Jan Stevenson

Jan Stevenson is the former co-publisher of Between The Lines (1995 to 2020). She served as the first president of the board of Affirmations Community Center (1988 to 1992), and as the group’s first executive director (1992-1995).

Getting covered: health insurance in trying times

It's not poor diet, lack of exercise or even a bad smoking habit. The single, biggest risk to American's health? A lack of health insurance – and the situation is becoming worse as unemployment levels rise. The vast majority of Americans get their [...]

Passion fish

A fantastic splash of paisley, green and bright purple, swirling so quickly it is first a blur of wild color. Then just as quickly it stops, the sharp color delineations so stark to look almost unreal. The latest from Paris' Fashion week? No. It is [...]

Working like a dog

Pumpkin grabs the strap in her mouth and pulls hard, a little growl escaping out the side of her lips as she yanks down and pulls back. Most dog owners would immediately recognize this classic tug-o-war behavior. But Pumpkin is not playing. She is a [...]

Karibu House welcomes home Kwanzaa

DETROIT – Celebration and excitement permeated the annual Pre-Kwanzaa Brunch celebration on Dec. 13, starting with a heartfelt cheer for the "Year of Obama" and continuing with joyous congratulations to new racially-diverse leaders at The Triangle [...]

K'zoo steps closer to ordinance protecting LGBT

KALAMAZOO – The city commission of Kalamazoo took a giant step towards passing a civil rights ordinance that protects LGBT people from discrimination in housing employment and public accommodations. On Monday evening, the commission voted to [...]

BTL-endorsed candidates fare well

Michigan's LGBT community was a big winner in Tuesday's election, seating LGBT-supportive candidates at every level of government. Between The Lines made endorsements in the vast majority of contested elections, and many of the candidates that we [...]

Key race could go to Dems

OAKLAND COUNTY – One could hardly attend any LGBT event this past year without running into Gary Peters – at events hosted by Triangle Foundation, Affirmations, the HOPE Fund, Pride – he was everywhere, and always listening to LGBT people. He [...]

Obama supporters rally at new Ferndale office

FERNDALE – It was all cheers, smiles, dignitaries giving speeches, and the promise of hard work ahead at the grand opening of Barack Obama's newest campaign office, located in downtown Ferndale. About 150 enthusiastic supporters and volunteers [...]

Detroit welcomes gays with first-ever LGBT Home Tour

DETROIT – Detroit is rolling out the welcome mat for potential LGBT home buyers by hosting the city's first LGBT & Friends Home Tour Event on Sept. 28 in the Seven Mile and Livernois section of the city. The LGBT & Friends Home Tour, [...]

Mich. gays organize for Obama

Between The Lines Newspaper, Sept. 11, 2008 FERNDALE – Dave Noble is on a mission. He is driven to get LGBT voters to come out strong for Barack Obama, and he is concentrating his efforts in Michigan. Noble, the National LGBT Vote Director at the [...]

Kilpatrick names LGBT liaison, refuses to sign civil rights law

DETROIT – Detroit's Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick has named Brad Dick as his office's official liaison to the LGBT community. LGBT leaders said they are pleased with this development, and are glad that Detroit has joined other major U.S. cities in having [...]

Protestors prove that 'hatred is lonely'

Redford- The mentality of the day was "If at first you don't succeed, double your efforts." Last Sunday, over 70 protestors gathered at the Covenant Community Church of Redford for a second peaceful protest to bring down the church's sign, which [...]