Jason A. Michael

Jason A. Michael

Jason A. Michael is a senior staff writer for Between The Lines and Pride Source Media Group. He has been writing for BTL since 1999. Jason is also an Essence bestselling author. He may be reached at [email protected].

December Michigan News

Granholm shelves DP benefits for state workers In the wake of Proposal 2's passage, Gov. Granholm has instructed the State Employer's office to drop domestic partner benefits from state employee contracts that had already been negotiated and agreed [...]

Fall 2004

National News Log Cabin nixes Bush, others endorse Kerry The Log Cabin Republicans voted not to endorse the reelection of President George W. Bush in September. The following day, several of the most prominent openly gay Republican elected [...]

February Michigan News

Same-sex couples apply en masse for marriage licenses Six same-sex couples went to the Oakland County Courthouse on Feb. 13 to ask for marriage licenses in an effort to protest the inequality of Michigan's marriage laws. The protest, organized by [...]

January Michigan News

Affirmations helps Blue Cross to offer DP benefits to small business employees Using their Domestic Partner Registry as a foundation, Affirmations Lesbian & Gay Community Center worked to expand the offering of domestic partner benefits by Blue [...]

July Michigan News

Michigan braces for amendment fight The anti-gay group Citizens for the Protection of Marriage turned in over 482,000 signatures to the Secretary of State's office on July 5 to get the issue of amending the state's constitution to ban marriage [...]

November Michigan News

Nov. 2 a dark day for gays Following the national trend, Michiganders voted by a margin of 59-41 to change the state's constitution to define marriage as the union of one man and one woman. Ten other states across the country enacted similar [...]

October Michigan News

Opposition for Prop 2 grows Opposition for anti-gay Prop 2 continued to grow this month. Most noticeably, Gov. Jennifer Granholm came out against it, saying it went too far and declaring, "I would be so proud of Michigan if Proposal 2 were voted [...]

Spring 04

National News Marriage equality becomes reality in Massachusetts The celebration of gay marriage rights began at the city hall in Cambridge, Massachusetts on the evening of May 16 with cakes, choruses, and flowers galore. At the stroke of midnight [...]

Winter 04

National News President Bush calls for Constitutional amendment to ban marriage for gays In his state of the union address in January, President Bush called for a Constitutional amendment to protect what he views as traditional marriage. "Congress [...]

Young, Gifted & Gay' within the Detroit Public Schools

DETROIT – Nkenge Browner knows how desperately a gay-straight alliance is needed in Northern High School. She found out the hard way – by trying to start one, something that didn't sit well with her principal. "I got signatures from gay and straight [...]

Campaign to End AIDS comes to Detroit

DETROIT – The Campaign to End AIDS made a stopover in the Motor City last Tuesday as it neared its feverish finish. A month long cross-country journey, 10 separate caravans will converge on Washington, D.C. this week for Five Days of Action to End [...]

Joan Rivers to appear at HRC dinner

"I knew I was an unwanted baby when I saw that my bath toys were a toaster and a radio." Let's be real, shall we? Joan Rivers can be downright mean, nasty and wickedly vicious – and that's exactly why we love her. She's says the things we all think [...]