Jason A. Michael

Jason A. Michael

Jason A. Michael is a senior staff writer for Between The Lines and Pride Source Media Group. He has been writing for BTL since 1999. Jason is also an Essence bestselling author. He may be reached at [email protected].

Detroit contemplates its creative possibilities

DETROIT – When cities take a restrictive view on gay rights, such as Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick going on national television to talk about his distaste for the concept of marriage equality for gays, "it's like holding up a great banner that says, [...]

Local author talks about 'when you don't know'

Tony Manson is a busy man. A graduate of Ferris State University, he has an associates degree in cosmetology and a bachelors in retail marketing, both of which he puts to work for him every day. In the daylight hours he works for Directions salon, [...]

Local gay couple first to apply for marriage license in Wayne County

DETROIT – At the demonstration for marriage equality for gays and lesbians last week, Darryl Lawson and Kevin Love were first in line as a throng of six couples filed into the county clerk's office inside the Coleman A. Young Municipal Center. [...]

The movement for marriage equality lands in Detroit

DETROIT – The issue is spreading like wildfire across the country, and last week it landed in Detroit. On Wednesday, March 3, a crowd of nearly 170 converged upon the Coleman A. Young Municipal Building decrying efforts to insert discrimination into [...]

Spreading the 'Gospel Against AIDS'

DETROIT – When a friend asked Rosalind Andrews Worthy to take place in AIDS Walk Detroit nearly a decade ago, Gospel Against AIDS wasn't so much as a glimmer in her eye. But when she went to a local church to ask for a donation, she quickly saw the [...]

What you and your doctor should know

The waiting room is packed, and the doctor barely has time to peek into the examination room to say hello. It's not a rare experience, not even uncommon. So it pays to come prepared; and LGBTs have a longer than average list of items to check off. [...]

Ben Sedilos profile

DETROIT – Ben Sedilos has only been with the Detroit Hispanic Development Corporation for three months, but he's already making a big impression. As program coordinator for Salud, which means "health" in Spanish, Sedilos has a variety of [...]

Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day celebrated in Detroit

DETROIT – The Spiritual Warriors HIV/AIDS Awareness Project hosted two days worth of events in celebration of National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness & Information Day at High Praise Cathedral of Faith in Detroit. While NBHAAD, a tradition that dates [...]

Chosen Books' Ken suffers a stroke, benefits in planning stage

ROYAL OAK – He's something of a celebrity in the community, and now he needs his fans to rally. Ken of Chosen Books recently suffered a debilitating stroke. His road to recovery will be a long one, friends say, but one they are sure he will [...]

Police Chief good on his word

{ITAL Several important promises were made to the LGBT community by prestigious members of the panel at the historic town hall meeting on homophobia in Detroit, which took place Jan. 28 at the Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History. As [...]

Building black support for same-sex marriage

NEW YORK – Author, activist and lecturer Keith Boykin has stepped forward to head a new national group formed to build black support for marriage equality. The National Black Justice Coalition aims to educate the community on the dangers of the [...]

Love leads Lary to sell Just 4 Us

FERNDALE – With the nation's economy crippled and still reeling from war, lots of small business owners are calling it quits. But Michael Lary's reason for selling Just 4 Us book and gift shop in Ferndale is even more important than money. He's in [...]