
Mark Segal

Mark Segal is an award-winning journalist, author, and Stonewall pioneer. He is also founder and publisher of Philadelphia Gay News. More information on his 50-plus years of continuous activism can be found at

Why GLAAD's Sarah Kate Ellis, Who Bought a Chandelier with Your Donations, Should Never Again Describe Herself as an Activist

What would you suggest if a politician used public funds to rent a seven-bedroom Swiss chateau, remodel their home office with public money, rent a vacation home in Provincetown for their family, and enjoy first-class air travel and Mercedes car [...]

The Under-the-Radar Republican Amendment That Kills the Rainbow Flag

Republicans did something recently that went almost unnoticed. Through one simple act in 1970, the United States became the world's leader in making our community visible. Thanks to a Republican amendment in the federal budget that was signed in [...]

What It's Like to Be Queer on a Non-Queer Cruise

Just how out and proud could this gay couple be on their cruise around the arctic?

Op-Ed: On Trans Issues, The New York Times Is Not the Real Enemy

Last week found me in London for what turned out to be three major speaking events. It also came in the wake of what I believe is one of the most horrible of trans hate actions ever publicly reported in the United Kingdom — the murder of [...]

Did Judy Garland's Death Really Cause Stonewall? Was There Even a Brick? Sorting Stubborn Myths from Reality

For years, people have debated what actually happened that night in June 1969 when the Stonewall Inn in Greenwich Village, New York City was raided and a new, more militant struggle for equality was born. Due to the debates — and insistence of [...]

Civil Unrest Now and Then

As someone who participated in the Stonewall riots back in June 1969, many people have been asking me the similarities between that event and the events, civil unrest and demonstrations following the murder of George Floyd. They want to know if the [...]

Mayor Pete Speaks on LGBTQ History, Historic Campaign

Editor's Note: This piece is part of a series done in honor of LGBTQ history month. Pete Buttigieg, who has served as mayor of South Bend, Indiana, since 2012, came out as a gay man in a self-penned essay published by the South Bend Tribune. This [...]

Let's Win the Election First

If you are like me, your position on the 2020 presidential election might come down to this: You will elect any of the Democratic candidates for president, no matter how far they stray from your views, because the current occupant is flawed and an [...]

VP Mike Pence is on my Radar, Wonder Why?

Is Vice President Mike Pence a closeted, deep-in-self-hate raging homo? Is that self-hate so intolerable for him that he's become the commander in chief at the White House in pushing the most homophobic agenda since McCarthy's un-American hearings [...]