
Mikey Rox

Mikey Rox is an award-winning journalist and LGBT lifestyle expert whose work has been published in more than 100 outlets across the world. He splits his time between homes in New York City and the Jersey Shore with his dog Jaxon. Connect with Mikey on Twitter @mikeyrox.

The Frivolist: 7 Things to Live For (Literally) This Fall

From a hilariously new gay doll Instagram to the blitz of award-worthy films slated for release, there's plenty to love about the pumpkin-spiciest season of all. Here's what to pay attention to this fall. 1. The L.A. Basics Since the The L.A. [...]

The Frivolist: Prove How Jacked You Are (Even If You Don't Look Like It) at These 7 Fitness Challenges

Summer bod will be hard to maintain as the sun sets on these final few dog days and the brisk breeze of autumn ushers in a serious craving for carbs. But you can keep the extra pounds at bay outside of beach season by participating in fitness and [...]

The Frivolist: Put These 5 LGBT Events on Your Bucket List Before the Sun Sets on Summer '17

Have you ticked off all the boxes on your super-gay summer checklist? Before you paste it into your scrapbook and start packing away the tanks and tanning oil, take a look at these last-minute activities to keep the final few weeks of lazy days fun [...]

The Frivolist: 6 Reasons Why Gay People Are a Higher Form of Evolution

Science has yet to definitively declare a "gay gene" – probably because all those evil-gelicals would abort their gaybies left and right and all hell would break loose (hallelujah?) – but just because the argument for biological evidence that [...]

The Frivolist: 6 Way Gay Things to Get Into Right Now

One of the best parts of my job as an LGBT lifestyle expert is discovering all the dynamic new people, places and things expected to interest the LGBT community. Some do, some don't – I sift through A LOT of duds, in fact (like the travel-size [...]

The Frivolist: 4 Reasons You Need to Move Gay French-Canadian Film '1:54' to the Top of Your 'Must Watch Now' List

Earlier this spring I attended the OUTshine LGBT film festival in Miami, and throughout the 10-day indie-flick extravaganza I caught a number of powerful, relatable and touching movies from across the globe. I particularly enjoyed "The Lavender [...]

The Frivolist: Let Me Count the Ways: 7 Reasons I Love You, Nico Tortorella

Dear Nico Tortorella: I'm gonna use your full name, OK? We're not on a first-name basis, but I hope that'll change soon. In a good way, Nico Tortorella – not the "stay 1,000 feet away from each other" way. Because you're pretty much the bee's knees [...]

The Frivolist: 7 Reasons Why Hotel Sex Is Better Than Bangin' at Home

There's something about a hotel room that makes you want to get frisky. From the ultra-plush mattress to on-demand XXX movies – assuming they have same-sex options (though I prefer straight porn myself) – a quick getaway in a decked-out suite is as [...]

The Frivolist: 5 Reasons Why You Need to Attend More LGBT Film Festivals

As someone who writes about LGBT entertainment on a regular basis (and has plenty of eye-rolls to give about the kind of content we're putting out there; "Prince Charming," anyone?), it was heartening to see recently at the OUTshine Film Festival in [...]

The Frivolist: 6 Steps to Effectively Confronting a Cheating Partner

About 21 percent of American men and 19 percent of American women admit to cheating on their partners, according to polling company YouGov. Not a massive number, but still big enough to raise our brows. So what can we do when we suspect our partner [...]

The Frivolist: 4 Reasons Why Banning Bachelorette Parties from Gay Bars is Wrong

Grand diva RuPaul recently weighed in on the persistent issue of how we're supposed to feel about bachelorette parties in gay bars, with at least one Huffington Post writer describing it as the "definitive word" on the topic on social media. "Check [...]

The Frivolist: (Pa)roll Call: It's Important to Remember These 10 'Conservative Value' Perverts and Adulterers

I wrote a travel article recently for Out in San Antonio magazine about romantic LGBT-friendly and/or -owned hotels, called "6 hotels you should bang in before you die." The title's irreverent, sure, but its purpose, like all good article titles, [...]