
Mikey Rox

Mikey Rox is an award-winning journalist and LGBT lifestyle expert whose work has been published in more than 100 outlets across the world. He splits his time between homes in New York City and the Jersey Shore with his dog Jaxon. Connect with Mikey on Twitter @mikeyrox.

The Frivolist: 6 Household Chores It's Time to Farm Out

In my other life as a gay personal finance expert, I write a lot about saving money, but what about time? That's worth something too, especially if you can save more of it by eliminating some of the tasks you dread doing. From having your groceries [...]

The Frivolist: 5 Very Good Reasons Why Staying Friends With Your Ex(es) Is Beneficial

  I have had some relationships, y'all. None of them went super great. Hence why we're not still together. But I've managed to make friends out of all but one of those boys – four out of five ain't bad – and I have a certain amount of pride [...]

The Frivolist: 6 Things I'd Like to See on the 'Roseanne' Revival

Roseanne Barr knows how to keep tongues wagging. From her infamous bungling of "The Star-Spangled Banner" and my-way-or-the-highway tyranny on the set of her groundbreaking sitcom to her failed presidential bid and accusation that Ireland (yes, the [...]

The Frivolist: 7 Acts of Self-Care You Should Already Be Doing

Life comes at us fast, and it's getting easier and easier to get lost not only in our circumstances but also in the world around us. Work, friends, family, politics, relationships, past relationships – they all affect us, and not necessarily in a [...]

Five Ways to Start Having Sex You Actually Enjoy

Bump "Go to the gym more" down a notch on your list of New Year's resolutions and move "Have better sex" up one. Here's how to fulfill that promise to yourself. 1. Avoid using sex to alleviate boredom and/or subsidize your emotional discontent I'm [...]

The Frivolist: 6 Reasons Why Colorado Springs Is the Most Romantic Place You've Never Thought Of

A lot of people vacay in big cities or by the beach. Not me. I've lived near both all my life, so when I plan a getaway I want to pack it with come-as-you-are, in-the-wild adventure. Real Davy Crockett-like. You know – if he was gay. Recently, my [...]

Holiday in Stereo(type): Gift Ideas for 8 Types of Queers in Your Life

Holiday gift buying for LGBT people is difficult at best, anxiety-riddled at worst. What do you get the him, her or them who already have everything with specific tastes to boot? Play into stereotypes – that's what. Identify where your favorite [...]

The Frivolist: Whoopie Whoopsies: 5 Perilous Places to Have Sex

Your bedroom may not be the most adventurous or appealing place to have sex, but at least it's safe – unlike these five sought-after lovemaking destinations. From revving your engine in the car to taking flight in a locked and upright position, [...]

The Ultimate Guide to Gay Gift Giving 2017

BY MIKEY ROX Gay ol' St. Nick delivers the goods to LGBT people of all ages and sensibilities with this comprehensive gift guide designed to please every persuasion. (And because it wouldn't be Christmas without dick cookies.) Elliot Havok Racer [...]

The Frivolist: 10 Reasons I'm Thankful I'm Gay

Like many of you, I was once confused about my sexual orientation. There were times as a teenager that I would stand in front of my bathroom mirror, staring into my own eyes, and cry – trying to figure out what was wrong with me. Why did I feel so [...]

7 Award-Worthy LGBT Films (That You Probably Haven't Seen) to Cozy Up to This Fall

Rift Over network TV? Tired of Hulu? Seen everything on Netflix? Dig a little deeper to find meaningful and surprisingly well-executed LGBT films making the festival rounds this fall. 1. 'The Lavendar Scare' A documentary detailing the homosexual [...]

DIY Your Way to the Gayest Halloween Costumes of 2017

It seems like every day is a new nightmare in America, but there's no substitute for the spooks and scares of Halloween (which is really just Christmas-come-early for you queens). This year, we were blessed with countless real-life jesters, jokers [...]