
Patrick Burton and Jeff Britting

patrick burton has been actively involved in the Detroit arts community as a painter, performance artist, poet, curator, and culture warrior. In June 2022, he curated Mighty Real/Queer Detroit, the largest art exhibition of works by LGBTQ+ artists in the country. This historic exhibition celebrated 77 years of Detroit Queer life from 1945-2022.

As writer/composer, Jeff Britting has explored art and philosophy in film, theater, books/essays. His work has been discussed by The New York Times, The New Yorker, High Performance, aRUDE Magazine, Los Angeles Times, Italian Vogue and the London Review of Books.

How Queer Art Offers Freedom Where Freedom Isn't Always Found

With Motor City Pride in Detroit — and Pride in cities throughout the country — queer festivals commemorate the fight for political equality accelerated by a demonstration, which began early in the morning of June 28, 1969, outside the [...]