
Todd Heywood

Woman Sues Dearborn For Violation Of Rights

The city of Dearborn is being sued by a Detroit woman who alleges the city violated her rights under the Americans with Disabilities Act during a traffic stop in August of 2012. Shalandra Jones is arguing in court that when Dearborn Police Officer [...]

Gov. Mike Pence Defends Against 'Avalanche' Of Criticisms

Indiana's Republican Gov. Mike Pence spent Sunday defending attaching his signature to the Indiana Religious Freedom Restoration Act. His appearance on ABC's "This Week" with George Stephanopoulos — a former advisor to President Bill Clinton — was [...]

Snyder: 'I Would Veto RFRA Legislation'

In a rare moment of political frankness, Michigan's Republican Gov. Rick Snyder has announced he would veto religious freedom legislation if it does not have companion legislation to protect the LGBT community from discrimination. "Given all the [...]

Swift Action From Lansing Public Transit Was Right Thing to Do

Last week, BTL and media partner City Pulse reported on the experiences of Lansing resident Diane and the Capital Area Transportation Authority. It was a mess of bathroom indignities loaded over with bureaucratic snafus. But CATA responded properly, [...]

Michigan House Passes Adoption Discrimination Bills

Equality Michigan Executive Director Emily Dievendorf speaking at the anti-adoption bill rally in Lansing. BTL photo: Todd Heywood LANSING — In a series of 65 to 44 votes, the Michigan House has approved a three bill package to allow discrimination [...]

Transgender Questions Lead To CATA Policy Change

Originally published in City Pulse Newspaper March 25. Diane was returning from window shopping at the Meridian Mall on Feb. 27. As she settled into her seat on the CATA bus to downtown Lansing, she realized in horror the unthinkable had [...]

Defining the Post-Marriage LGBT Equality Movement

With the U.S. Supreme Court set to hear oral arguments on four marriage cases in April and issue a decision by the end of June, LGBT activists are beginning to forge a new agenda for the post marriage world. Topping that agenda is countering [...]

Bill Schuette: On Duty For His Future?

Republican Attorney General of Michigan, Bill Schuette, appears to be laying the fundraising bedrock to follow Republican Gov. Rick Snyder in the governor's seat in 2018. Yeah, this is the guy who has yet to meet a lawsuit against Obamacare he [...]

Hull's Voice

The territorial governor of Michigan, most known for his surrender of Detroit to the British in the War of 1812, also has a small role in this whole "religious freedom" debate at the Capitol. Nestled in the basement of the Capitol, under the rotunda [...]

I Can't Treat That, 'Cause Religious Freedom'

That might be what you hear from medical providers if legislation introduced last week in the state House gets approved. House Bill 4309 of 2015 was introduced by Rep. Cindy Gamrat, R-Plainwell, with sponsorship by Rep. Gary Glenn, R-Midland, and [...]

Miller Won't Seek Re-Election

Candice Miller, the former Republican Secretary of State and six term congresswoman from Michigan's 10th District, will not seek re-election to Congress. She made the announcement on Friday. She was widely praised for her service by lawmakers on [...]

Glenn Proposes Extending State Right To Work Law To Cops And Firefighters

While Rep. Gary Glenn is not a sponsor of the transvaginal ultrasound bill with his two other unholy trinity members, he is busy. He has introduced legislation to expand the state's right to work law – legislation that allows folks to benefit from [...]