
Todd Heywood

Amber's Journey

LANSING – Amber is looking forward to the new year, but she is also fearful of what 2015 will bring her. She plans to transition to living her life as she was meant — as a woman. But the ongoing debates at the state capital about adding gender [...]

Mr. LA Leather 2014 To Promote PrEP In Michigan

Photo by Eric Schwabel. Mr. LA Leather 2014, Eric Paul Leue, is swinging through Michigan to discuss pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) as an HIV intervention. He will participate in panel discussions in Grand Rapids on Dec. 6, Lansing on Dec. 7 and [...]

Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Expansion Precarious

LANSING — The lame-duck machinations to amend the Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act (ELCRA) continue with two clear sides firming up in the fight. One group, led by Democrats and state and national LGBT equality organizations, says there will be no [...]

AT&T National 'Will Only Support Fully Inclusive Bill' On Civil Rights

LANSING – Despite public statements by its leader in Michigan, AT&T says it will only support a fully inclusive bill that protects based on sexual orientation and gender identity and expression. "ATT will only support a fully inclusive bill," [...]

Inclusive Elliott Larsen Delayed Because of Federal EEOC Rulings

LANSING – The decades long fight to amend Michigan's civil rights act – The Elliott Larsen Civil Rights Act – to include protections for the LGBT community may hinge on the inclusion of gender identity and expression. Both Speaker of the House [...]

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly Of The 2014 Michigan Midterm Election

Candidate elect U.S. Sen. Gary Peters, re-elected for Michigan Attorney General, Bill Schuette and candidate elect for the 98th district in the MI House and former AFA President, Gary Glenn. The Good As expected, Congressman Gary Peters (D) walked [...]

State House Blocks HIV And Other Reproductive Health Websites From Staff

Screenshot from House employee's computer showing that HIV Plug Mag is blocked due to the "Sex Education" filter. LANSING – Staff for state representatives may have discovered over the last week, that they were unable to access certain sites [...]

State House Office Computers Had Certain HIV, Reproductive Health Websites Blocked

LANSING – Staff for state representatives may have discovered over the last week that they were unable to access certain sites related to HIV and reproductive health. A spokesperson for Speaker of the House Jase Bolger (R-Marshall) says a recent [...]

Republican State House Candidate Has History Of Scandal

Republican state house candidate, Mike Webber, is running in the 45th House District. EAST LANSING – Mike Webber, the Republican candidate for Michigan's 45th House District and current Rochester Hills vice president, left a history of scandal [...]

Dave Agema: Arab Fighter Pilots Are 'Camel Jockeys'

MICHIGAN – Oh there goes that Dave Agema again. The erstwhile National GOP Committeemen from West Michigan posted on his private Facebook page on Oct. 18 a screed against Arabs and their abilities to fly modern fighter jets. In the screed, he [...]

Anonymous Flier Lambasts Sam Singh

East Lansing Democratic State Rep. Sam Singh and his Republican opponent are both being lambasted by anonymously distributed fliers for failing to respond to Public Advocate's "Family Values Survey." Public Advocate of the United States is an [...]

David Trott Faces Election 'Foreclosure'

One time king of foreclosures in Michigan, David Trott, may be headed to defeat in Michigan's 11th Congressional district. Trott is vying to replace Rep. Kerry Bentivolio against Bentivolio, Democrat Bobby McKenzie and Libertarian John Tatar. [...]