
Todd Heywood

Sequester Could Lead To Massive Cuts In HIV Testing, Treatment

The AIDS Drug Assistance Program is among the many federal programs that will take a hit if $85 billion in across-the-board spending cuts go through March 1, and those cuts could potentially lead to an increase in HIV transmission, the White House [...]

President's AIDS Council Calls on Feds to Help States Repeal HIV-criminalization Laws

The Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS (PACHA) passed a resolution Feb. 7 that calls for an end to federal and state HIV-specific criminal laws and prosecutions. While the resolution is [...]

HIV Prevalence Predictions in Gay, Bi Men 'Staggering'

LANSING – If current infection trends continue unabated, the federal government estimates that today's 20-year-old men who have sex with men will face a 50 percent infection rate in 30 years – 70 percent for black men who have sex. Those numbers [...]

Task Force To Put Energy, Focus On Immigration Issues

ATLANTA – The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force declared that immigration is a top policy priority in the coming years. The announcement was made by Rea Carey, executive director of the organization, during her annual state of the movement [...]

No More Business As Usual

We have a crisis in the gay/bi/men who have sex with men community. This crisis is particularly clear among our youth, 13-24. HIV is not gone, and in fact has become a generational legacy. While most age groups in the U.S. are leveling off in the [...]

Past Time' To Review HIV Criminal Laws, Says Former Presidential Commission Member

Originally published on American Independent website A member of the first federal commission to look at the HIV epidemic says it is "probably past time" for states to revisit their HIV-specific criminal laws. "I think it would be time to go [...]

Peace Leader Calls State Police Presence 'Real Concern'

LANSING – In the day before thousands of union members and supporters are expected to flood the state capitol in an attempt to stop right to work legislation from being passed, hundreds of state police troopers have been on the grounds of the [...]

Federal Funding Cuts Hamper HIV Prevention Efforts In Michigan

LANSING – Leaders of state AIDS service organizations say federal funding cuts to HIV prevention are creating obstacles to addressing the epidemic in Michigan. In July 2011, the Michigan Department of Community Health told organizations that by [...]

It's About More Than Red Ribbon

It's World AIDS Day. On this day, we join together as a community to remember the losses, celebrate the successes and support those living with the virus. But this year we find ourselves at a truly momentous point in history. What we do about HIV [...]

Thousands gather for party, 1000 for political rally

LANSING – Nearly 1,000 people showed up on the steps of the Michigan Capitol Saturday as part of the annual pride march and rally event, while 3,000 showed up in Lansing's hip Old Town to drink, dance and be merry as part of the annual pride [...]

Agema ascends to national committee slot

Senior Reporter American Independent News Network LANSING – Michigan Republicans ousted long-standing National Committeemen Saul Anuzis this past weekend, instead opting for a right-wing state lawmaker who has made waves with legislation dealing [...]

Notorious anti-gay group headed for Michigan

LANSING – The Westboro Baptist Church will protest a Lansing public high school and both Michigan State University and Central Michigan University on April 23, a spokesman confirmed in a phone interview. "We have our plane tickets," says Fred [...]