
Todd Heywood

Equality Debate Used As Campaign Fodder By Far Right

Right wing activists are targeting pro-equality, northern Michigan Republican Frank Foster for ouster over his support for adding sexual orientation and gender identity to the state's civil rights law. Right wing activists are targeting a [...]

Gary Glenn Causes More Controversy In 98th House Race Primary

Gary Glenn, head of the American Family Association of Michigan, is once again causing controversy in state politics. This time, Glenn is a candidate for the 98th House district of Michigan. He is running as a Republican. But a DeVos family backed [...]

Feds Call On States To Revamp HIV Criminal Laws

Nick Rhoades, a gay man convicted of "criminal transmission of HIV' in Iowa and sentenced to 25 years in prison, despite the virus not being transmitted; talks to activists at the national HIV is not a crime conference held in Grinnell Iowa in June. [...]

National LGBT Community To Converge On Detroit

Every year, since December of 2008, a group of LGBT leaders in media, activism and the internet – as well as from national organizations – have convened to discuss strategy, messaging and ideas to promote LGBT equality in the US and beyond. That [...]

Michigan To Revisit HIV Prevention Plan In Light Of Advances

The Michigan Department of Community Health says that a plan to address the HIV epidemic in the state will be revisited 18 months early as a result of "rapidly changing" landscapes of the epidemic. "Michigan has a Statewide Coordinated Statement of [...]

Iowa High Court Throws Out 25-year Sentence For HIV-Positive Gay Man

DES MOINES, IOWA – The Iowa Supreme Court on Friday threw out a 25-year sentence handed down to Nick Rhoades in 2009 under the state's HIV-specific criminal law. The ruling sends the case back to the lower courts, where prosecutors will have to [...]

National, International Advocates Converge In Iowa To Battle HIV Criminalization

GRINNELL, IOWA – Nearly 200 advocates interested in the growing battle against criminalizing people living with HIV converged on this small college town last week to begin the process of forming a national movement. Michigan is a leader in [...]

Feds Approve Broad New Clinical Guidance On PrEP

comprehensive clinical guidance On May 14 the CDC released a comprehensive clinical guidance for use of the anti-HIV drug Truvada in preventing new HIV infections. The new guidance is the most comprehensive clinical guidance issued by a government [...]

The New Little Blue Sex Pill

In broad new guidelines, federal health authorities say nearly every person at risk for HIV-infection should consider using a once-a-day pill to prevent getting the virus. Greg is a sexually active 24-year-old gay man in Lansing. HIV and other [...]

Low-Income State Residents Will Have Coverage For PrEP

Low-income residents of Michigan receiving Medicaid will have prescription coverage for Truvada, an anti-HIV drug proven to prevent HIV infections for those who are HIV-negative. The Michigan Department of Community Health confirms the drug will be [...]

News Analysis: The Marvelous And Unapproved Condom

IC Editor's note: Story has been updated May 15, 2014 to include links to research discussed. It's the HIV prevention gospel. Use a condom, correctly and consistently each and every time you have sex. But what if that message is myth? New [...]

Activist, Author Hits Michigan In Whirlwind Tour

Sean Strub has played witness to the aftermath of the murder of John Lennon, the rise of the AIDS epidemic in New York City and the battles of ACT UP. He can now add a whirlwind tour of three Michigan cities to his list of accomplishments. Strub [...]