
Todd Heywood

BREAKING: Lansing neighborhood marred with anti-gay graffiti

Capital Correspondent LANSING- Residents and business owners are responding to a series of anti-gay tags spray painted on buildings in the city's historic Old Town late Tuesday night, or early Wednesday morning. The area is known for its artist [...]

Anti-bully forces lobby Senate

Lansing correspondent LANSING – Over 165 educators, parents, students, civil rights activists, law enforcment professionals and advocates for youth showed up for Safe Schools Lobby day in an effort to pass Matt's Safe Schools law March 26. The [...]

Anti-bullying forces descend on Capitol

LANSING – As we go to press, hundreds of educators, students and community members are expected to descend upon the State Capitol to demand the Senate pass a comprehensive bill aimed at stopping bullying in the state's public schools. The bill [...]

Diversity Summit raises more questions than answers

EAST LANSING – A gathering of statewide community leaders to discuss diversity and inclusion in a Michigan without affirmative action, had many participants concerned about the event's apparent exclusion of certain groups Tuesday. "It was billed [...]

Sacrifice for safer schools

RICHLAND- The small public school district of Gull Lake, located in this tiny southwest Michigan township, is once again a mirror reflection of the national debate about the rights of gay and lesbian high school students. The battle is over [...]

County's commission develops new insurance program for workers in domestic partnerships

LANSING – The Ingham County Board of Commissioners has approved a new program to provide insurance to its employees in domestic partnerships. Matthew Myers, controller and administrator for Ingham County, said the new program is still being [...]

Kalamazoo teens host 'Peace Jam' to oppose hate-group's targeting of 'The Laramie Project,' performed by local high school

"A positive way to combat hate" KALAMAZOO – Their confrontation with an anti-gay-rights activist fizzled, but the anticipation of it moved a group of 60 teen-agers to gather Saturday with a handful of adults to take a stand against hate in their [...]

Make gays straight' Web site is finally removed at MSU

EAST LANSING – An administrative oversight has kept a controversial Web site on Michigan State University servers until this past Monday. The site is a fundraising and informational Web site for Corduroy Stone Ministries. The ministry is [...]

Foreman expands on 'gay disease' comment

DETROIT – Matt Foreman, head of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, who stirred up the audience attending Creating Change conference when he said Friday that HIV is a "gay disease", expanded on his statement in an interview Saturday. "HIV [...]

Gay rights are civil rights' says NAACP leader

DETROIT – Julian Bond, the national chair of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, wowed a packed ballroom at the Detroit Renaissance Center Thursday night. Bond spoke to over 1,500 lesbian, bisexual, gay and transgender [...]

Openly gay bishop provides speech of hope

Capitol Correspondent DETROIT – When New Hampshire Bishop V. Gene Robinson strapped on a bullet proof vest in preparation for his ordination as the Episcopal bishop of the small northeastern state, he did so because he believes in the gay [...]

Detroit police accused of mishandling 'transgender' murder case ID

DETROIT – The murder of a transgender woman discovered last week has been mishandled by the Detroit Police Department, said Mara Keisling, executive director of the National Center for Trangender Equality. "Understand that this kind of crime, [...]