
Todd Heywood

Triangle Foundation staffer stepping down

Captial Correspondent DETROIT- Greg Varnum has announced that he will be leaving the Triangle Foundation, a Detroit-based LBGT rights advocacy and anti-violence project, effective in March. Varnum is the Director of Youth Initiatives and [...]

Stryker given 'Creating Change' award by NGLTF

DETROIT – Jon Stryker is a quiet man – but a quiet man of action. And his actions were honored Thursday night at the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Creating Change Conference when the group presented him with the first ever Creating Change [...]

With a SONG in her heart Mandy Carter fights on

DETROIT – Mandy Carter has been on the front lines, fighting for LBGT and racial equality since the 60s. She lead the battle to unseat anti-gay U.S. Senator Jesse Helms (R-N.C.) in the 90s. In short, as Sue Hyde said in her introduction to Carter, [...]

YODA monologues speaks up on disability issues

Capitol Correspondent DETROIT – As participants of the 20th anniversary Creating Change Conference wander the hallways following plenary sessions and workshops, they might stumble upon some provocative guerrilla theatre. "I am hoping that our [...]

Police identify transgender murder victim, refuse to release name

DETROIT– The Detroit Police Department has identified a murdered man found in women's clothing in an empty lot. However, they are refusing to release the name to the public. "We have identified the victim, but we are not releasing the name," Detroit [...]

Transgender odyssey

When Julie Nemecek first told the president of Spring Arbor University that she was transgender and would be assuming her female persona, the president, Nemecek said, was supportive. But in the weeks that followed, the associate professor was [...]

U.S. Court of Appeals sends bullying case back for trial

HUDSON, Mich. – The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th District has voted 2-1 to send a lawsuit against the Hudson School District back to the Circuit court for further proceedings. The case, Patterson v. Hudson Public Schools, et al, was tossed [...]

Antibiotic resistant staph infections spreading in the gay community

A new report in the Annals of Internal Medicine is reporting that a super resistant bacteria, normally found in hospitals, is spreading in gay communities including San Francisco and Boston. The superbug, called methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus [...]

Leader of gay republican group sounds off on Tuesday's primary

As president of the Log Cabin Republican club of Michigan, Noel Siksai has some harsh words for the Republican presidential nominees. He said 25 percent of the gay community votes Republican, translating to 2-3 percent of the overall Republican [...]

Michigan announces $1.4 million in abstinence-only education programs

Photo: James McCurtis, spokesperson for the Michigan Department of Community Health BTL Capitol Reporter LANSING – The Michigan Department of Community Health (MDCH) on Wednesday announced $1.4 million in grants to nine groups for abstinence-only [...]

Gay Straight Alliance group at Bay City school draws fire

BAY CITY – Bay City Central High School's Gay Straight Alliance chapter was just formed in November, but it already is involved in a controversy. A parent complained to the Bay City School Board on Dec. 11 about what she sees as the group's [...]

Nonprofit legal team gets grant to continue services to elderly LBGT

LANSING– Elder Law of Lansing had an idea last year. The not for profit legal clinic, begun in 1990 to assist seniors with legal questions ranging from probate issues to medicaid, noticed that a lot of older lesbian, bisexual, gay and transgender [...]