Pre-Expo Workshop
Come hear one of the area's most respected legal experts discuss the legal status of same-sex couples in Michigan, and how the current cases working through [...]
Meet The Marriage Equality 'Poster Children'
While not the "famous photo" Paul Mattson and Roland Smith pose at the Oakland County Courthouse March 22, 2014. BTL photo: Andrew Potter It all happened in a [...]
Love Is Love: First Couples To Marry In The Mitten
BY AJ TRAGER AND BTL STAFF Oakland County Clerk notarizes one of the over 140 couples that she married March 22, 2014. BTL file photo: Andrew Potter One year [...]
Couple Quotes
Erin Trame And Carrie Turner, Married In Washtenaw County Carrie Turner and Erin Trame, married in Washtenaw County on March 22, 2014. "My wife and I were one [...]
Risky Business
By Christopher Treacy Kevin Dombrow of Sheraton Detroit Novi. BTL Photo: Andrew Potter It's difficult to believe that anyone can afford to say no. Our economy [...]
Financial Workshop
Same-sex marriage may soon become the law of the land, so couples now need to learn about the financial realities of marriage and plan accordingly. Marriage [...]
Caspar Recap: Married Is Married
BY AJ TRAGER ACLU attorneys and plaintiffs in the Caspar v Snyder case in April 2014. In April 2014, the American Civil Liberties Union of Michigan, on behalf [...]
Will U.S. Supreme Court Resolve Marriage Debate?
By Lisa Keen File photo of demonstrators in front of the US Supreme Court in March 2013 as SCOTUS took up two same-sex marriage cases. The eventual victories [...]
Arguments For Right To Stay Married Heard In Caspar v Snyder
AJ Trager DETROIT – Federal Judge Mark A. Goldsmith, of the Eastern District of Michigan, heard testimony on Aug. 21 from ACLU of Michigan Cooperating [...]
MI Marriage: Schuette Asks For Full Appeals Court Review
The Michigan attorney general filed a petition with the Sixth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals Friday, asking the court to bypass the usual three-judge panel [...]
Pictures from Washtenaw County
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Pictures from the Oakland County Clerk's Office - Part 3
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