
Bakery Provides Stress-Free Cake Decision Making

Jefferson Market Bakery located at 609 W. Jefferson in Ann Arbor lets you have your cake and eat it too! Owner Nic Sims and her top cake artist Moriah Elkins, [...]

DJs to the Rescue

In order to help with selecting wedding music – which should be the most fun part of planning, but is often times the most overwhelming – BTL asked a couple [...]

The Honeymoon or Vacation Recipe

Equal parts of budget and passion plus a well-thought-out plan equals the perfect honeymoon or vacation. Budget Let's face it, no one really wants to discuss [...]

Legal Tips for LGBTQ Couples

The excuse of religious freedom is being used more and more these days in an effort to allow individuals and businesses the right to discriminate against LGBTQ [...]

Local Company Helps Preserve Wedding For Eternity

BY AJ TRAGER Wedit is running a special discount code for BTL readers, in honor of the one-year anniversary of marriage equality. When purchasing a [...]

Getting Hitched In The Hall of Justice

BY AJ TRAGER LANSING – Just before 11 a.m. on June 26, 2015 the U.S. Supreme Court released its decision on Obergefell v. Hodges and extended marriage [...]

A Year After Marriage Equality, LGBT Community Poised For More Activism

BY AJ TRAGER "No union is more profound than marriage, for it embodies the highest ideals of love, fidelity, devotion, sacrifice, and family. In forming a [...]

LGBT Couples' Wedding Spending Soars

Over the past year since marriage equality became the law of the land, LGBT couples are spending a lot more on weddings, and family acceptance of same-sex [...]

Tennis Shoes And Keeping It Simple

BY AJ TRAGER Betty Olding and Jenny Schumacher met in 1972 and have been together for 43 years. They were finally married on Sept. 26 by Detroit Reverend Deb [...]

Lesbian Power Couple Finally Ties The Knot

BY AJ Trager LANSING – A lesbian power couple who have worked hard to improve LGBT equality in the state, Gina Calcagno and Nicolette Siragusa, have finally [...]

Donald Chisholm and Steven Moore marriage

After almost 19 years together, Donald Chisholm and Steven Moore of Pontiac were married on Wednesday, July 1. They would like to enthusiastically thank [...]

#DecisionDay Tweets

#decisionday Tweets!function(d,s,id){var [...]