
Robert R. Reilly

Creep of the Week It always comes back to the children. It doesn't matter how or where the conversation starts, if homosexuality is involved someone who is [...]

Setting Captives Free

Creep of the Week There's an app for that. It doesn't even matter what "that" is, because there's an app for everything. You want the photos you take with [...]

Bryan Fischer

["\n\n Creep of the Week\nDid you hear the news? It's now okay to be a gay Boy Scout. But you still can't be a gay Man Scout. Because as we all know, the second [...]

E. W. Jackson

Creep of the Week Oh, Virginia, you crazy. And if you need proof you need look no further than, E. W. Jackson, the Republican candidate for Lieutenant [...]

Noson Leiter

Creep of the Week The Christian-dominated religious right in America is not exactly known for being BFFs with Jews. I mean, there's that whole "Your people [...]

Dr. Ken Hutcherson

Creep of the Week A few weeks ago if someone had asked you if you knew Jason Collins, you likely would have said no. That is, unless you were a big fan of [...]

Diocese of Columbus

Creep of the Week Imagine that your mother has just died. This is, for most, a difficult, emotional time. Plus there's so much to take care of: funeral [...]

Tony Perkins

Creep of the Week The only thing that can stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy who is not having gay sex. At least this seems to be the line of reasoning [...]

Alan Keyes

Creep of the Week You know how sometimes you haven't heard from somebody in a while and you just kind of assume that they've crawled under a rock and [...]

Louie Gohmert

Creep Of The Week There are few topics that raise the collective temperatures of Americans on all sides as much as gun control and gay marriage. At first [...]

Dave Agema

Creep of the Week Facebook's ever-changing privacy settings can be confusing, but you might want to click the "Only Me" setting if you're about to post [...]

Sandy Rios

Creep of the Week If there's one thing kids in America hear too often it's how totally cool and fantastic homosexuality is. Once upon a time there was a lot [...]