
Bishop Abrams

Quotes Bishop Allyson D. Nelson Abrams stepped down from Zion Progress Baptist Church, where she had served for five years as its first female pastor. Her [...]

LGBT Outreach In The Bible Belt

By Jennifer Miracle Prepare a thirty-minute presentation about the role of an LGBT Resource Center at a flagship, research institution in the South. Five [...]

A Gift For Myself

By Dave Coulter Viewpoint As a thirty-one year old man focused on my own success - with a great corporate job, wonderful friends and family and a passion for [...]

Back To School

By Hayley Gorenberg, Deputy Legal Director for Lambda Legal Ask Lambda Legal Q: My family and I just moved, and I just started at a new school. I'm hoping [...]

Remaining Vigilant In Fight To Find Cure For HIV/AIDS

By John DiLodovico Viewpoint Today it is estimated that more than 1 million people are living with HIV in the United States, and one in five is unaware of [...]

Why Walk To Fight Aids Quotes:

"So many people think it's over, that they're not at risk. We are not investing in prevention and education. We all know we have to struggle to find prevention [...]

Good Afternoon Michigan!

Viewpoint It is so amazing to see so many family members here at the reunion! Thanks for coming! We are gay, straight, questioning, transgender, asexual, [...]

Parents, Protection, And Pee Politics

by Gwendolyn Ann Smith Transmissions A parent, as a general rule, is going to put the safety and security of their own child above all else. They want their [...]

50 Years Of Marching And Still A Long Way To Go

Viewpoint Whether you participated in the historic March on Washington in 1963, weren't even a twinkle in your parents eyes or fall some where in between, it [...]

Is One of You the Man...?

By Abby Dees It happened again. Friends asked my partner, Traci, and me, "Is one of you, like, more the man in the relationship?" This doesn't piss me off, [...]

Do We Have To Forgive The Ex-Gays?

By Abby Dees Thinking Out Loud When Alan Chambers, the president of Exodus "ex-gay" Ministries publically apologized for the hurt he has caused LGBT people, [...]

Letter: On Ex-Gays and Faith

By Larry Jamison Viewpoint I wanted to share a story for those who are confused about their sexuality, especially in light of the recent closings of ex-gay [...]