
Mombian: Transgender and Gender Creative Children Star in New Picture Books

"When Aiden Became a Brother," written by Kyle Lukoff and illustrated by Kaylani Juanita (Lee & Low), is a sweet and joyous tale about a biracial (black [...]

Resisting the Dangers of Michigan's Abortion Ban

For the past week, I haven't been able to log on to social media without seeing controversy about the abortion bans that are sweeping the country. Even the [...]

Transmissions: The Lines Blur

Caster Semenya is a South African middle-distance runner. She took home Olympic gold in both 2012 and 2016 and has won the world championships three times. She [...]

HHS Rule Allows Religious Discrimination in Health Care

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has finalized a new rule that will allow health care workers to refuse to provide or assist in providing [...]

As in a Mirror

So often when people who are not transgender speak of transgender people, there is one important thing that is gotten terribly wrong, and I think it's a core [...]

Supreme Court Takes Cases of People Fired for Being LGBTQ

Can a business fire someone because they're LGBTQ? The Supreme Court will soon tell us. After a funeral home outside Detroit fired Aimee Stephens because she [...]

Let's Win the Election First

If you are like me, your position on the 2020 presidential election might come down to this: You will elect any of the Democratic candidates for president, no [...]

Being Seen

I grew up in a Southern California suburb in the 1970s, a short distance from the smog-filled skies of Los Angeles. Right around the time of Fleetwood Mac's [...]

Another Day in LGBTQ History: Even in Victory Our Work Continues

Lori Lightfoot was elected Mayor of Chicago! Let that sink in – an African-American Lesbian was elected Mayor of the nation's third largest city. If that [...]

5 Years later, the Fight for Equality is Far From Over

On the morning of Saturday, March 22, 2014, I received a call from my lead Deacon demanding, "I need you to get to the Oakland County Courthouse. Now!" "What's [...]

Thoughts on New United Methodist LGBTQ Rules

BY SUSAN GRETTENBERGER I am a lesbian. I am also a lifelong United Methodist and the daughter of wonderful, loving, accepting parents. My dad is a UM pastor. I [...]

Adoption Case Settlement Win for LGBTQ Michiganders

This past Friday came the announcement that the ACLU of Michigan and the state of Michigan settled a lawsuit that we, the ACLU, had filed — challenging the [...]