
Out 'N About Flint Collaborative

Nov. 8 – 15 FLINT – The Out 'N About Arts Collaborative is a year long initiative celebrating the arts of the LGBTQ communities and its allies. This coming [...]

Same-sex commitment announcement causes stir at small-town paper

By Heather Hollingsworth Associated Press Writer Three advertisers are pulling their business from a Warrensburg newspaper and several readers are threatening [...]

Supreme Court gets many briefs in same-sex benefits case

AP Wire Service Source: Michigan Supreme Court Lawyers have filed 726 pages of legal briefs with the Michigan Supreme [...]

Transgender Awareness Week 2007

UofM campus For information on any of the events below visit: For more information, visit the following web site ANN [...]

Wright retires from Horizons Project

A pioneer steps down DETROIT – Heroine, friend, healer, confidante, mentor, advocate, teacher, champion, visionary. These are some of the adjectives to [...]

*Billy Masters*

"If gay guys can identify with my character, then I think I'm doing my job right. And if straight people think I'm doing a believable job, then I've done my [...]

Breaking: Michigan Supreme Court hears domestic partner benefits case

Capitol Correspondent LANSING- The Michigan Supreme Court today heard oral arguments in a case court watchers said will have national implications. The case, [...]

Culture of caring

Taking care of someone who is incapacitated may be one of the greatest challenges we are called upon to face. It requires deep reservoirs of dedication, [...]

The OutField, Defining community: LGBT athletes of color

Dan Woog October 29, 2007 "We're here. We're queer. We're gay student-athletes, and also people of color." OK, so that's not the jazziest sports slogan since [...]

ENDA debate tomorrow

The U.S. House of Representatives is expected to debate and vote on the Employment Non-Discrimination Act tomorrow (Wednesday, Nov. 6), and insiders say it has [...]

Book Marks: Out Now

by Richard Labonte October 22, 2007 "The Indian Clerk," by David Leavitt. Bloomsbury USA, 496 pages, $24.95 hardcover. Several years ago, Leavitt drew on the [...]

Dear Jody: My lover acts like he's from Irish mafia

Lover acts like he's from the Irish mafia Q: I have always wanted to be able to go to Chicago for their pride march. This year I was able to go. I not only [...]