
Creep of the Week: Rep. Debra Maggart (R-Tennessee)

Rep. Debra Maggart (R-Tennessee)

Recently I was asked by someone unfamiliar with this column what, exactly, Creep of the Week was. I said I usually take something a right-wing nut says or does and call them on it. "But don't those people kind of parody themselves?" they asked. Why yes, they do – except they're not parodies. They're real people – holding real office with real biases that impact real policies that hurt real LGBT people.
This week, in the "Girl, no you didn't!" department, I offer Tennessee Rep. Debra Maggart, who suggested that gays are too f–cked up to be parents.
Oh, and she also said gays adopt kids to have unfettered molestation access.
Maggart made her initial comment in response to an e-mail from a constituent who contacted the lawmaker to ask that she not support several anti-gay adoption measures currently pending in Tennessee. In her reply Maggart wrote, "Research shows that most homosexual couples have numerous emotional dysfunctions and psychological issues that may not be healthy for children."
Unlike, of course, straight folks who are always, without exception, emotionally and mentally healthy.
But Maggart wasn't done. "We also have seen evidence that homosexual couples prey on young males and have, in some instances, adopted them in order to have unfettered access to subject them to a life of molestation and sexual abuse," she said.
Which must be why almost every child welfare organization, including the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Psychiatric Association and the National Association of Social Workers, support gay and lesbian adoptive parents. Because those groups are so pro-molestation.
In her own defense, Maggart told The Tennessean on March 25, "I don't wish to discriminate against anyone … but (gays) have issues. That's my opinion."
And Strom Thurmond wasn't racist; he just didn't want to drink out of the same fountains as blacks. Give a person a break, ok?
"I have strong convictions," Maggart said. "I just feel kids … need the optimum family unit, and that is a mother and a father."
I should point out that Maggart is a single mother. Not that there's anything wrong with that…
And since "optimum family units" are just lining up to adopt children, especially those with disabilities and emotional issues, there's no problem with kids languishing in the foster care system.
Oh, wait. Back here on planet earth, a March 24, 2006 report by the Evan B. Donaldson Adoption Institute had the following to say: "Laws and policies that preclude adoption by gay or lesbian parents disadvantage the tens of thousands of children mired in the foster care system who need permanent, loving homes."
And because of Maggart's "strong convictions" those lucky kids may get to stay wards of the state until they're 18 and can be let loose on the world. Sure they won't get to have the love of a parent, but at least they won't be raised by a homo.
Send Maggart a Mother's Day greeting via phone at 615-741-3893 or email at [email protected].

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