
PFLAG member performs comedy gig in Ann Arbor

Chris Azzopardi

What: PFLAG member Mike Neubecker will perform his comedy routine
Where: Ann Arbor Comedy Showcase
When: 8 p.m. Aug. 31
More information: (734) 996-9080

ANN ARBOR – Comedian Mike Neubecker didn't expect an audience to applaud when he performed a sketch about his gay son marrying in San Francisco.
"It screwed up my punch line," laughed Neubecker, who broke from relaxing in his hot tub to chat with BTL.
Neubecker, who's also the PFLAG national board member and Great Lakes regional director, had expected dead silence. "I wasn't expecting people to clap."
During his Ann Arbor Comedy Showcase gig, Neubecker will show the joys of having a gay son to show acceptance and poke fun at homophobia. The show is tailored for a straight audience to not only entertain but to educate them about the LGBT community.
"I know people that go to comedy clubs tend to be more open minded," he said.
Neubecker isn't the type of comedian that drops F-bombs like they're going out of style, but one or two will pop up in a Pat Robertson reference.
"I can't say that I don't use profanities on occasion," he laughed and contined, "I don't consider myself a vulgar comic."
Neubecker, who's fond of Bill Cosby's wisecracks, used public speaking as a gateway to the comedy realm and hopes to perform at more venues for LGBT audiences.
"When you say something that makes the crowd laughs it feels good, it makes them feel good and everybody wins," Neubecker said.

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