
Serial killer stalks gay men on video chat site

A Lil Coal's Pictures production distributed on DVD by Wolfe Video. Directed, written, edited and co-produced by Robert Gaston. Running time: 100 minutes. Not rated. For information:

New DVD delivers plenty of eye candy, but not enough thrills

It's rather common these days for gay men to hook up with other horny guys they meet in internet chat rooms. But what's become even more popular over the past few years are video chat sites that allow the users to enjoy a stimulating game of "show and tell" without ever having to leave the safety and privacy of cyberspace.

So what happens when a serial killer picks his victims from one particular video site – and each of them is somehow linked to one specific individual?

That's the premise behind the sexy, gay thriller, "OpenCam," that becomes available on DVD Nov. 14 from Wolfe Video.

Set in Washington, D.C., handsome aspiring artist – and occasional rent boy – Manny Yates likes to frequent a popular, local video chat site, Sometimes it's to watch what other chat room visitors are doing – hence, his screen name: Just Watching. Other times it's to find inspiration for his next art project.

One night, Manny, a self-absorbed pretty boy who professes to be both a top and celibate, invites over one such muse – John, known on the site as DCShyGuy – and fucks him. Later, he watches in horror as John is brutally murdered on camera.

Larry, an out-of-town "client" Manny tricks with, suffers a similar fate.

And they're not the only ones.

In the eyes of divorced police detective Ari Hamilton, everyone Manny knows becomes a suspect – particularly his overly intense ex, Maury. So to solve the case, the swarthy, but aggressive cop goes under cover and moves into Manny's apartment – where it's not only the case that comes to a climax!

Despite unusually high production values, "OpenCam" is yet another gay movie that relies more on hot bodies and sweaty sex than logic and solid storytelling to hold viewers' interest. Much of the dialogue is vapid, and there's little depth to any of the characters.

Even the technology used to drive the story to its conclusion is suspect, experts I talked with told me. (It's doubtful that an ordinary Joe would have access to such sophisticated "spyware," as one character called it – and it's even less likely that it could compile such information, given today's security-minded network architecture.)

What will help sell this video is the sex and nudity – not the acting.

As Manny, the adorable Andreau Thomas – his sweet ass will have most men drooling and hoping for more – seems far too disinterested in his life and his pursuits. There's little to like about him – except his looks, of course.

Fur fans will love Amir Darvish (Hamilton) – the film's best actor – but like Ben Green (Maurice), he's often far too intense.

And why is it that only the minor characters in many gay films are required to show the full monty? Shouldn't the major characters, too, if sex and nudity are required of their roles? The artfully draped sheets and carefully placed hands in this movie are silly and detract from the natural flow of the action.
